Welcome to the Library of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
Gratitude is expressed to God Almighty for all the favors of health and knowledge, which allows the ITS Library family to continue to work and innovate to serve the ITS academic community, ITS Education Personnel, and the general public.
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) as one of the well-known and best universities in Indonesia, can certainly run a business process in the academic field that requires resources related to information and knowledge management. The optimal functioning of the tri dharma of Higher Education at ITS can be achieved with superior contributions from both human resources, infrastructure, technology infrastructure, budget, and the good role of supporting units, one of which is the Library.
The library as a strategic unit, is committed to positioning itself in supporting and providing knowledge information needs to the entire ITS academic community. This is certainly a challenge for us, to develop a Library that is more oriented to the needs of the organization. The development of information and knowledge needs of the increasingly dynamic ITS academic community has contributed to influencing future library management. The increasing demand for access to information in order to carry out the function of the tri dharma of higher education must certainly be facilitated optimally by the ITS Library.
ITS Library carries a big jargon as the “Knowledge and Happiness Center”. Of course we hope that this jargon is not just limited to writing, but becomes a motivation for us to be able to implement. We cannot work alone, we need synergy and collaboration with all of you. Please surf our services, either online through the Library’s official web and social media, or come directly to the ITS Library. We look forward to welcoming you all to the ITS Library.
Until you meet us ITS librarians, warm greetings from us.
Warmest regards,
Head of ITS Library
Agus Santoso, S.Sos.,M.Med.Kom