Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Proyek Higher Education for Technology and Innovation (HETI) ADB ITS
July 09, 2024 07:07

Call for Proposals: Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Grant Program 2024

Oleh : adminpiu | | Source : -

Higher Education for Technology and Innovation (HETI) Project, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Opens Opportunities for ITS Lecturers, Students, and Education Staff (tendik) to Play an Active Role in the Research and Innovation Downstream Process at ITS through the Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Grant Program 2024.

Call for Proposals

The grant program will accept proposals that focus on supporting the following fields, but are not limited to:

  • Maritime Innovation
  • Automotive Innovation
  • ICT and Robotics Innovation
  • Creative Industry Innovation
  • Other Related Topics

Funding Schemes

This activity has 3 funding schemes that last for 12 months, namely:

1. Research

Funding scheme with a nominal value of up to Rp 100 million for the development of Minimum Viable Product 1 (MVP1) based on applied research results.

2. Innovation

Funding scheme with a nominal value of up to Rp 300 million to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) towards Minimum Marketable Product (MMP).

3. Entrepreneurship

Funding scheme with a nominal value of up to Rp 350 million for go-to-market activities from technology innovation products that have been developed.

Proposal Submission

Proposal submission can be done through SIM myITS HETI Research no later than March 16, 2024, with the proposer being an active ITS lecturer.

For more information, please contact our email piu-heti@its.ac.id or through our contact person Ms. Annisa wa.me/6285655625037.


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