Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Proyek Higher Education for Technology and Innovation (HETI) ADB ITS
February 29, 2024 01:02

Strengthening Research Downstream, ITS Builds a Science and Technology Zone

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Gambar jajaran pimpinan dan mitra ITS ketika menekan sirine

Siren sound by ITS leadership and partners as a ceremonial sign that the construction of this project will be carried out

ITS Campus, ITS News – Continuing to support the development of research downstream, the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) is building various new infrastructure in the Science and Technology Zone. This development was marked with a groundbreaking ceremony for the CWI-O2 Higher Education for Technology and Innovation (HETI) Package Project located between the Robotics Center Building and the Nasdec ITS Building, Friday (12/15).

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari MEng explained that this project has been submitted since 2016. However, the construction of this project, which is aimed at developing downstream products from ITS, has only been realized at the end of 2023. “The plan is that this project will only focus on three clusters, namely maritime, design, and automotive,” he explained.

Gambar Rektor ITS ketika memberi sambutan groundbreaking Proyek

ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari MEng when giving a speech at the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the ITS CWI-02 HETI Package Project

However, after being reviewed for almost seven years, the ITS CWI-02 HETI Package Project will be divided into four clusters, namely maritime, design, automotive, and Information and Communication of Technology (ICT) robotics. “We have gone through a very long submission process, until finally the groundbreaking ceremony for the project can be held today,” said Ashari gratefully.

Design model of infrastructure buildings in the ITS Science and Technology Zone area in the future

The ITS CWI-02 Package Project itself will be built over the next 18 months. In detail, the project area will later consist of various facilities and infrastructure. Among them are the Marine Center Building, the Creativity Center, the Automotive Proving Ground Center, the Automotive Proving Ground Office, the Creativity Center, the ICT and Robotics Center, and various other supporting infrastructure. “The construction of this project is proof that ITS is very ready to fulfill the existing facilities,” said the Professor of Electrical Engineering.

In the end, Ashari hopes that the construction of this ADB-funded project worth Rp 97 billion can be carried out smoothly and on time. “The sooner this project is completed, the more ITS research implementation products will be produced that reach the market. These facilities can also support the spread of ITS innovations exponentially and be beneficial to society,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS PUBLIC RELATIONS)

Gambar desain areal view Proyek CWI-02 HETI ITS

Aerial view of the design of the ITS CWI-02 HETI Package Project which is planned to be completed in mid-2025


Reporter: Mifda Khoirotul Azma

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