Presentation of souvenirs from UNILA by dr. Intanri Kurniati, S.Ked., Sp.PK (center), to Dr. dr. Imam Susilo, Sp.PA (K)., FISCM., MIAP (center) as a representative of ITS
On Monday, June 24, 2024, a visit was made by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the University of Lampung (UNILA) and the UNILA Faculty of Medicine team to the ITS HETI PIU and the ITS Faculty of Health Medicine team for a comparative study of the implementation of the HETI project and the development of the Faculty of Medicine. This event took place from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM WIB in the DRPM Meeting Room, Research Center Building, 5th Floor, ITS Sukolilo Campus.
The team from PIU UNILA, namely Dr. Intanri Kurniati, S.Ked., Sp.PK and team, were received by the executive secretary of PIU HETI ITS, Mr. Stefanus Eko Wiratno, S.T., M.T., Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health ITS, Dr. dr. Imam Susilo, Sp.PA (K)., FISCM., MIAP, head of the Bachelor of Medicine study program, Dr. Sakina, M.Si. and head of the study program of professional education for doctors, Dr. Sonny Fadli, M.Ked.Klin., Sp.OG.
The purpose of this visit was to discuss the loan project from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the construction of a hospital and the development of other programs that have been listed in the Project Administration Manual (PAM). Both parties exchanged ideas about experiences and best practices in managing faculty of medicine programs in their respective universities.
UNILA said that it was difficult to innovate in the field of medicine. In response, Dr. Sonny Fadli, M.Ked.Klin., Sp.OG replied that innovation in the field of medicine requires a perspective approach from medicine and users so that the product can be accepted by the market. This has been implemented at ITS with the existence of the Medical Technology study program. However, to develop the innovation ecosystem, namely technology and medical startups in the Hospital, more collaboration is needed to produce products and startup investments. This has been done by ITS, namely with the collaboration between doctors and engineers, ITS has innovated the manufacture of medical scissors which can be seen at the Research and Technology Innovation Gallery (GRIT) in the Research Center Building and become a product of PT ITS Tekno Medika.
Other discussions discussed the obstacles to exchange activities for UNILA FK lecturers listed in the PAM to study at domestic or foreign hospitals (RS) for at least 8 weeks. Dr. Sakina, M.Si. provided input for the activity to be carried out according to the needs that need to be studied, make internal contact to convey the needs to the destination party to then discuss preparing a joint program (training) plan.
This visit is an important step for UNILA in realizing its vision to become a world-class research university with support from the ADB and collaboration with ITS.
ITS Campus, ITS News –In an effort to support the efficiency of spatial data management, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Kampus ITS, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) The HETI project demonstrates a commitment for capacity development
As part of its project management strategy, the HETI Project Implementation Unit (PIU) ITS paid a visit to the