Surabaya, 1 July 2020,
The ITS Halal Community Engagement Center, iin collaboration with the Nahdhatul Ulama University Surabaya (UNUSA), the Surabaya Nahdhatul Ulama Association (ISNU), and the Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics, the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) have held a Webinar on the Development and Potential of the Indonesian Halal Industry on July 1, 2020, online.
The training aims to increase literacy related to the importance of halal products both for consumers and producers. The speakers who attended were Berto Mulia Wibawa, M.M (ITS Business Management), and Dr. Lukmanul Hakim MSI (Director of LPPOM MUI) and moderated by Rachma Rizqina Mardhotillah, ST, MM (UNUSA Halal Center).
In Article 29 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, it is stated that the State guarantees each person to embrace his religion according to his beliefs. Therefore, “the right of Muslim consumers to receive protection and legal certainty from the state regarding the halal products used,” explained Berto.
Lukmanul Hakim started the conversation by reading the Qur’an, “O mankind, eat whatever is on the face of the earth that is lawful and good (thoyyib), and do not follow the steps of Satan, because Satan is a real enemy. for you” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 168). In 1988, the Government/State gave a mandate to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to play an active role in alleviating cases of lard in Indonesia. With the goal of peace for the people, MUI created a Halal Certification process, which provides halal assurance from every process, upstream to downstream.
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