Surabaya, 15 July 2020,
The ITS Halal Community Engagement Center, in collaboration with Nahdhatul Ulama University Surabaya (UNUSA), the Surabaya Nahdhatul Ulama Association (ISNU), and the Institute for the Study of Food, Drugs, Ministry of SOEs, and Sucofindo held an online Webinar on the Role of Halal Business after the Covid-19 Pandemic on July 15, 2020.
This webinar aims to prepare the halal industry for the post-covid-19 era. The speakers were Sitta Izza Rosdaniah PhD (BUMN) and Herliana Dewi, MSi (Commercial Director 1 Sucofindo) and moderated by Prof Setiyo Gunawan (Chairman of the ITS Halal Study Center).
WHO has urged people to eat healthier foods and avoid or reduce alcohol consumption because it weakens the immune system. Therefore, the planned implementation of the new normal is a momentum to develop the halal product industry. “Hygienic and Health aspects are absolute things in the implementation of the new normal or the new era,” explained Sitta.
Indonesia has increased from tenth in 2018 to fifth in 2019 in the 2019/2020 Global Islamic Economic Indicators report. However, “Indonesia in the halal food and halal pharmaceutical sector is not yet in the top 10 countries based on GIEI 2019/2020 data,” Herlina said in her presentation.
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