Jakarta, October 13, 2021,
Demographically, Indonesia is the country with the most significant percentage of the Muslim population in the world. This certainly has the opportunity to make Indonesia a country with the largest consumers of halal products in the world. A large number of consumers of halal products in Indonesia can grow the potential for developing the halal industry to supply consumer demand domestically and abroad.
The Indonesian Ministry of Trade has held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD), which aims to increase Indonesia’s Capitalization in the Local and Global Halal Product Segment online on October 13, 2021.
This FGD presented Suhanto (Secretary General of the Ministry of Trade) as a keynote speech and speakers from various parties, namely Prof. Setiyo Gunawan (Head of the ITS Halal Study Center), Hj Siti Aminah M.Pd.I (Head of the Center for Halal Cooperation and Standardization, BPJPH ), Agus Nurudin (EVP Busines Dev Paragon Group), Adi Saputra Tedjasurya (President Director of PT Makmur Berkah Amanda, Tbk), Junardi Maki (Head of PPIH, Ministry of Industry) and moderated by Fajarini Puntodewi (Head of PPIS, Ministry of Trade)
Article 4 of Law no. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee states that Products that enter, circulate, and trade in the territory of Indonesia must be certified halal. Furthermore, Permenperin No. 17 of 2020 has opened great hope for industrial estate developers to make halal one of the added values expected to lift investment and accelerate national industry, especially in sectors that are indeed the mainstay of halal products, namely food and beverages. Halal Industrial Estate is all or part of an Industrial Estate designed with systems and facilities to develop industries that produce halal products.
– Registration for halal supervisor batch XII participants has been officially opened by the Halal
– Mentoring the establishment of Halal Centers in Islamic boarding schools, namely the Halal Center
– The East Java Halal Industry Festival has been officially opened by the Acting Regional