[Surabaya, October 30, 2024] – The East Java Halal Industry Festival has been officially opened by the Acting Regional Secretary of East Java Province (Pj Sekdaprov) Bobby Soemiarsono at the Ballroom of the Novotel Samator Hotel Surabaya, Wednesday (10/30/2024). This activity is one of the provincial government’s efforts to promote halal lifestyle by realizing East Java as a center for halal industry development in Indonesia.
“As an event for appreciation, promotion, increasing added value, raising the image of East Java as a province that supports the development of the halal industry in Indonesia while strengthening Indonesia’s position in the global market,” said Bobby.
A talk show activity was also held with the theme “Strengthening the Halal Ecosystem Towards a Sustainable Economy”, presenting 3 speakers from the Ministry of Industry, the East Java Livestock Service, and the East Java Representative Office of Bank Indonesia and guided by moderator Prof. Setiyo Gunawan, Head of the Halal Study Center, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).
Challenges and strategies for developing the Halal Industry in Indonesia, discussed in detail by Siti Chasanah, SPd., SE., MSE, Head of the Halal Certification Facilitation Team, Center for Halal Industry Empowerment (PPIH), Ministry of Industry.
Head of Veterinary Public Health Division of the East Java Animal Husbandry Service, drh. Rina Pujiastuti, MSi, reviewed the implementation of the Slaughterhouse (RPH) and its binding regulations.
Meanwhile, the Role of Bank Indonesia in strengthening the East Java Halal Industry, was conveyed by Iqbal Reza Nugraha S.E M.Sc], a [Head of the Division of Implementation of Regional Economic and Financial Policies, Bank Indonesia Representative Office of East Java
Furthermore, the Head of the East Java Industry and Trade Service, Dr. IWAN, S.Hut., MM., said that this activity was an event to raise the image of East Java as a province that supports the development of the halal industry in Indonesia while strengthening Indonesia’s position in the global market.
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– The East Java Halal Industry Festival has been officially opened by the Acting Regional