Head of Study Program’s Speech

dr. Sonny Fadli, Sp.OG., M.Ked.Klin

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Greetings to all of us.

The Medical Profession study program is a series of advanced programs for medical students who have previously graduated and been inaugurated as medical graduates or they will enter the phase as young doctors. At this level, young doctors will undergo clinical clerks for four semesters, where they will serve as doctors in the Main Teaching Hospital, other educational vehicles such as Satellite Hospitals, Affiliated Hospitals, Health Center, clinics and other educational vehicles.

Faculty Medicine and Health of ITS Surabaya has collaborated with one type B hospital, namely Wahidin Sudirohusodo Mojokerto Hospital as the Main Teaching Hospital. There are other educational vehicles such as the IDAF clinic located in West Surabaya. In addition, there are other educational vehicles such as the Keputih Health Center, Klampis Ngasem Health Center, Mulyorejo Health Center, Menur Health Center, and other health center in the Surabaya City Health Office work area.

The Medical Profession study program together with the Main Education Coordinating Committee (Komkordik) Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, has a strong commitment, and will continue to work together to ensure infrastructure, qualified lecturers, a proportional ratio of lecturers and students, variety and adequacy of cases, academic guidelines, modules, and everything that supports the young doctor education process to be completed so that the education process runs well.

What we hope is that young doctors can forge themselves during professional education in order to achieve doctor graduates who are in line with the predetermined vision, which has two important talismans, namely mastery of preventive medicine and medicine 4.0. ITS graduate doctors are expected to be able to get out of their comfort zone, willing to serve in areas of Indonesia that need doctors to build better health and community life as a good trail that has been carved in history by the founder of ITS who is also a doctor, doctor Angka Nitisastro.

Vivat ITS. Long live ITS. Long live ITS. Long live ITS.