
The Importance of Coastal Sea Spatial Planning – 7 March 2018

Tue, 01 Jan 2019
9:38 am
Guest Lecture
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Oleh : Admin-Perancanaan Wilayah Kota   |

In order to improve students’ understanding of Marine space planning, the ITS Regional and City Planning Department held a guest lecture titled the East Java Sea for the People and Children. By inviting speakers Ir. Widya Laksana Nugroho MM, as Head of East Java Sea Space Management, this guest lecture was held at ITS PWK 305 Room.

The Zoning and Small Islands Zoning Plan (RZWP3K) is a plan that determines the direction of the use of each resource with the establishment of structures and patterns that can be done, cannot be carried out and activities that can be carried out through licensing. This policy is a policy instrument and spatial planning for the sea, a balance with a validity period of 20 years.

RZWP3K East Java is regulated in the Regional Regulation (Perda) of East Java No. 1 of 2014. This production is based on a mandate that has been issued in the East Java strategic plan. Wahyu, the speaker, explained the authority of the sea manager who was originally 0-4 miles under the authority of the district government, currently the management of the sea roar 0-12 miles past the natural gas sector is the provincial authority.

Wahyu conveyed the urgent urgency of RZWP3. Possibility of many stakeholders who did not understand the limits of the use of marine space. “For example, entrepreneurs who mine sea sand, people who build buildings or public facilities without regard to property rights or managed land authority,” he explained.

Another urgency is related to the sustainability of the marine space, both in terms of ecosystems, the flow of marine biota transportation, marine infrastructure and the balance between sea and land space. RZWP3K East Java also functions as an instrument for taking policy on reclamation activities.

In East Java there are only four regions that are permitted for reclamation activities. The Tuban Regency area for oil and gas needs, Lamongan Regency for the maritime industry, Juanda airport for Sidoarjo Regency for the security of national forces and the Work Area and Operations of the Nusantara Fisheries Port. “The act of reclamation must be in accordance with the mandate of the national scale,” he said.

Eni Rustianingsih, ST., MT Head of Development of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure Areas, Bappeda, Sidoarjo Regency, shared experiences and knowledge related to making RZWP3K in Sidoarjo Regency. The introduction of the coastal area of ​​Sidoarjo Regency is to provide understanding to PWK students who take Coastal studio courses in Sidoarjo Regency.

At the end, Wahyu proved, the task of securing East Java sea space was a common task of the community. Therefore, he advised PWK students to be able to contribute in working on the East Java sea space in terms of good and correct RZWP3K preparation. (Jel)
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