Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Name : Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
NIDN : 0003067907
NIP : 197906032008122004
E-mail :


Rulli has been teaching at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, ITS since 2008 and become a member of Laboratory of Urban Development and Design. She served as the secretary of the department from 2011 to 2015. Her research interests are urban infrastructure, urban heritage, climate change, low carbon city and sustainable development. She has been taking a PhD program at the Department of Development Policy, Hiroshima University, Japan, with a scholarship from Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP). Now, she is a member of The Institution of Engineers Indonesia (PII) and Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)


  • Sustainable and Low Impact Development
  • Infrastructure Planning
  • Housing and Settlement


  • 2016-2019 : Doctoral Program at the Department of Development Policy, Hiroshima University, Japan
  • 2005-2007 : Masters’s Program in Infrastructure Planning, Universität Stuttgart, Jerman (M.Sc.)
  • 1997-2001 : Bachelor Program in Architecture Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya (ST.)

Training/Short Course/Online Course:

  • 2017:   Online Course on Introduction to Environmental Governance, held by UNITAR and UNEP
  • 2017:   Online Course on Introductory Course to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, held by The United Nations Environmental Law and Conventions Portal
  • 2016:   Online Course on Sustainable Energy Planning & Low Carbon Development, held by EURAC research, EACEA and Erasmus Mundus
  • 2013: Advanced International Training Programme in Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education (Phase 2), Sweden.
  • 2013: Advanced International Training Programme in Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education (Phase 4), China.


  • Urban and Regional Infrastructure
  • Urban Morphology
  • Housing and Settlement
  • Urban Design
  • Urban Design Practice
  • Planning Law Administration
  • Site Planning
  • Sustainable Development



  1. Apriadi, B. F., Setiawan, R. P., & Firmansyah, I. (Accepted/In press). Policy scenario of plastic waste mitigation in Indonesia using system dynamics. Waste Management and Research.
  2. Fortuna, S., Setiawan, R. P., & Sharifi, A. (2023). Do spatial and sociodemographic factors affect the transmission pattern of COVID-19? Evidence from Surabaya City, Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 96, Article 103900. 
  3. Setiawan, R. P., Ghimire, G., & Kaneko, S. (2023). The effect of information on preferences for improved household water supply in Indonesia and Nepal. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 39(2), 255-272.
  4. Nursyamsiah, R. A., & Setiawan, R. P. (2023). Does place attachment act as a mediating variable that affects revisit intention toward a revitalized park? Alexandria Engineering Journal, 64, 999-1013. 
  5. Susetyo, C., Yusuf, L., & Setiawan, R. P. (2022). Spatial planning concept for flood prevention in the Kedurus River watershed. Open Geosciences, 14(1), 1238-1249.
  6. Setiawan, R. P. (2020). Factors determining the public receptivity regarding waste sorting: A case study in Surabaya city, Indonesia. Sustainable Environment Research, 30(1), Article 1.
  7. Setiawan, R. P., Kaneko, S., & Kawata, K. (2019). Impacts of pecuniary and non-pecuniary information on pro-environmental behavior: A household waste collection and disposal program in Surabaya city. Waste Management, 89, 322-335.
  8. Rahmawati, D., Suprihardjo, R., Santoso, E. B., Setiawan, R. P., Pradinie, K. T., & Yusuf, M. (2016). Evaluating Participation for Tourism in Heritage Urban Settlements: a case study of Kampung Kemasan, Gresik, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences , 4(4), 782-786.
  9. Rahmawati, D., Suprihardjo, R., Santoso, E. B., Setiawan, R. P., Pradinie, K. T., & Yusuf, M. (2016). Penerapan Metode Rootcause Analysis dalam Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Cagar Budaya Kampung Kemasan, Gresik. Jurnal Penataan Ruang, 11(1), 1-9.
  10. Suprihardjo, R., Pradinie, K., Santoso, E. B., Setiawan, R. P., & Rahmawati, D. (2016). Factors influencing community-based heritage sustainability in Kampung Kemasan, Gresik. Elsevier: Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, 227, 498-502.
  11. Suprihardjo, R., Pradinie, K., Santoso, E. B., Setiawan, R. P., & Rahmawati, D. (2016). The Rapid Assessment for Heritage Area Method (RAFHAM) for Kemasan Heritage Area. Elsevier: Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, 227, 686-692.
  12. Setiawan, R. P. (2015). Characteristics and Significance of Residential Density and Energy Consumption in Surabaya, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 3(4), 656-661.
  13. Rahmawati, D., Rimadewi Supriharjo, Rulli P. Setiawan, Karina Pradinie (2014) Community Participation in Heritage Tourism for Gresik Resilience. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 135(2014) 142-146.
  14. Raissa, D.R., P. Setiawan & Dian Rahmawati (2014) Identification of Indicators Influencing Sustainability of Minapolitan Area in Lamongan Regency. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 135(2014) 167-171.
  15. Setiawan, R.P. (2014) Perbandingan Emisi Karbon Dioksida Dari Penggunaan Lahan Permukiman Di Kawasan Urban Dan Peri-Urban Di Wilayah Gerbangkertosusila. [Comparison of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Settlement Land Use in the Urban and Peri-Urban Areas in Gerbangkertosusila] Tata Kota dan Daerah 6(2)
  16. Noviyanti, E. & P. Setiawan (2014) Penyediaan Air Bersih pada Kawasan Rawan Air Bersih di Pesisir Utara Lamongan. [in English: Provision of Water Supply in Water Prone Areas in North Coast of Lamongan] Tataloka 16(2), hlm. 116-132.
  17. Suprihardjo, R., Soemardiono, B., & Setiawan, R. P. (2011). Determination of potential heritage area based on typology in surabaya. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7(11), 1621-1626.


  1. Umilia, E., Firmansyah, F., & Setiawan, R. P. (2020). Assessment of regulating ecosystem services in Surabaya City. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 562(1), Article 012029.
  2. Syafitri, R. A. W. D., Susetyo, C., & Setiawan, R. P. (2020). Planning for compact eco-cities: A spatial planning to prioritise green infrastructure development to mitigate urban heat island in Surabaya. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 562(1), Article 012019.
  3. Firmansyah, F., Yusuf, M., Setiawan, P. R., & Susetyo, C. (2019). Ecosystem services-based land use suitability analysis in East Java Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 340(1), Article 012020.
  4. Dian Septa Rianti and Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan (2015) Water Footprint Sustainability Assessment in Blimbing Sub-District, Malang City. Paper presented at The 5th Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) International Conference, August 3rd – 4th, Denpasar, Indonesia.
  5. Karina Pradinie, Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, Marianus Y. Jelamu, and Konrandus Kumat (2014) Aplikasi Analisis SWOT dalam Implementasi Strategi Infrastruktur Permukiman Berkelanjutan di Area Perkotaan Reo Kabupaten Manggarai Nusa Tenggara Timur [in English: Application of SWOT Analysis in Implementation of Sustainable Housing Infrastructure Strategy in Urban Area of Reo, Manggarai Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur] . National Seminar, CITIES 2014, Surabaya, Indonesia.
  6. Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, Ema Umilia, Ketut Dewi Martha Erli Handayeni (2013) The Correlation Between Residential Density and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Surabaya City. Paper presented at International Conference on Regional Development (ICRD), November 20-21, 2013, UNDIP, Semarang, Indonesia.
  7. Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan (2012) Learning from Sustainable Urban Energy Development Study in Surabaya City. Paper presented at 1st Biennale International Conference on Indonesian Architecture and Planning (ICIAP), July 9-11, 2012, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  8. Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan (2011) Pengelolaan Sampah Mandiri Berbasis Masyarakat sebagai Upaya Mengoptimalkan Pengelolaan Sampah di Kota Surabaya. (in English: Community-Based Waste Management as an Effort to Optimize the Waste Management in Surabaya City). Paper presented at National Seminar Teknik Sipil ITS VII, February 2nd, 2011, Surabaya, Indonesia.
  9. Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan (2010) The Future of Informal Settlements: A Reflection of Government’s Effort, Paper submitted for CIB International Conference, January 21-22, 2010, Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  10. Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan (2010) Taman Kota untuk Lansia: Sebuah Kebutuhan dalam Mewujudkan Kota yang Ramah. (in English: City Park for Elderly: A Necessity to Realize Friendly City). Paper presented at National Seminar Infrastruktur – Aspek Tata Ruang dalam Upaya Pemecahan Masalah Banjir dan Transportasi Perkotaan, Juli 27th, 2010, UI-ITB-UGM, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  11. Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan (2010) Penggusuran Permukiman Liar di Stren Kali Jagir: Sebuah Tinjauan dari Sisi Hukum dan Humanisme. (in English: Eviction of squatters on Jagir River: a Review From a Legal and Humanist Perspective) Paper presented at National Seminar Perumahan dan Permukiman dalam Pembangunan Kota, March 4th, 2010, Jurusan Arsitektur ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia.
  12. Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan (2009) Toward Harmonious Cities: Bringing Inter-related Aspects of Harmony within Cities, Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium of Nusantara Urban Research Institute (NURI) – “Change + Heritage in Architecture + Urban Development”, Semarang November 7th, 2009.
  13. Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan (2009) A Critical Review of Land Use Deviation and Inconsistencies among Local Spatial Plans in Surabaya, Paper presented at International Conference on Energy and the Environment: Reinvention for Developing Countries (The ITB’s Golden Anniversary), June 18-19th, 2009, Bandung, Indonesia.


  1. Santoso, E.B., Prananda Navitas, Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, Heru Purwadio, Haryo Sulistyarso, Putu Gde Ariastita, Mochamad Yusuf, Mulyono Sadyohutomo (2016) Perspektif Pengembangan Wilayah dan Kota. Jogjakarta: Teknosain.
  2. Ostojic, Dejan R.; Bose, Ranjan K.; Krambeck, Holly; Lim, Jeanette; Zhang, Yabei (2013) Energizing green cities in Southeast Asia: applying sustainable urban energy and emissions planning. Directions in development : environment and sustainable development. Washington DC ; World Bank.
    [] (Contributing Author).
  1. World Bank. 2012. Indonesia – The rise of metropolitan regions : towards inclusive and sustainable regional development. Washington, DC: World Bank.
    [] (Contributing Author).


  • 2016: Awardee BPI LPDP PK-74 (Indonesian Education Scholarship – Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education)
  • 2013: The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) (scholarship for International Training Program in in Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education)
  • 2005: Ministry of Environment, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany (scholarship for postgraduate program)
  • 2001: Certificate of On-time Graduation for Undergraduate degree from Department of Architecture and Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning ITS

Work Experiences

  1. Evaluation of Development Implementation in Infrastructure (2016) Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level East Java.
  2. Evaluation of Development Implementation in Infrastructure (2015) Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level East Java.
  3. Evaluation of Development Implementation in Regional Infrastructure (2014) Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level East Java.
  4. Academic Paper of Local Regulation on Housing Provision in Sumenep Regency (2014) Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Cipta Karya Sumenep Regency.
  5. Draft of Local Regulation on Housing Provision in Sumenep Regency (2014) Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Cipta Karya Sumenep Regency.
  6. Development Plan of Settlement in Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province (2014).
  7. Development Plan of Priority Settlements Area in Sumba Timur Regency (2013).
  8. Emission Inventory in Surabaya City (2013) Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
  9. Development Program of Green Cities in Bangkalan Regency (2013).
  10. Action Plan of Green Open Spaces Development in Sumba Timur Regency (2012).
  11. Development Strategy of Urban Housing and Infrastructure in Sumba Timur Regency (2012).
  12. Sustainable Urban Energy Development in Surabaya, Studi of The World Bank (2011).
  13. Evaluation Study of Infrastructure Development in Kutai Timur Regency, East Kalimantan (2010).
  14. Development Study of Small Industries in Madiun, East Java (2009).
  15. Surabaya Metropolitan Spatial Planning Analysis, Study of The World Bank (2009).


  1. Impact of Information Intervention on Consumers’ Perception Towards Sustainable
    Electronic Waste Management in Surabaya, Indonesia: An Experimental Study (2024).
  2. Implementation Strategy of Inclusive Disability Development in the Regional
    Development Plan Policy of Surabaya City (2023).
  3. Dynamic and Co-Benefits Assessment from Circular Economic Activities based on
    Municipal Solid Waste Management (2022).
  4. Policy Scenario of Plastic Waste Mitigation Using a Participatory System Dynamics
    and its Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2021)
  5. Spatial Aspects in the Spread of COVID-19: A Case Study of Surabaya City (2020).
  6. Preservation of Heritage Site in Kampung Kemasan, Gresik Regency based on Community Participation Approach – 2nd Term (2016).
  7. Preservation of Heritage Site in Kampung Kemasan, Gresik Regency based on Community Participation Approach – 1st Term (2015).
  8. Preservation of Heritage Site in Kampung Kemasan, Gresik Regency (2013).
  9. Development Concept of Minapolis Coastal Settlement in Brondong, Lamongan Regency (2013) .
  10. The Correlation of Housing Density and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Surabaya City (2012).
  11. Comparative Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Urban and Peri-Urban Area in Gerbangkertosusila, East Java Province (2011).
  12. Preservation Concept of Heritage Site in City (Optimization of Heritage Concept with the Case Study of Heritage Sites in Surabaya (2011).
  13. Preservation Concept of Heritage Site in City (Case Study: Surabaya Heritage Sites (2010).
  14. Study on Community-Based Waste Management and its Development Strategy (2010).