Prananda Navitas, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Name : Prananda Navitas, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D
NIDN : 0030058203
NIP  : 198205302009121005
E-mail :


I uphold the Vygotskian principle that learning is a social process. Lecturers and students are partners in learning. I believe that my obligation as a lecturer is to facilitate teaching-learning activities by creating a positive and supportive learning environment. Through this, I can help increase student engagement to improve their achievement.


  • Urban Design
  • Land Use Planning
  • Urban Management
  • Disaster Risk Management


Period : 2015 – 2021
University : Queensland University of Technology
Study program : City/Urban, Community, and Regional Planning
Stratum : S3 – Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Urban Planning
Period : Winter Semester 2007-2008
University : Tongji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shanghai, Cina
Study program : Integrated International Urban Studies (dual-degree program)
Stratum : S2 – Master of Engineering (M.Eng) Urban Design
Period : 2006-2008
University : Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Jerman
Study program : Integrated International Urban Studies (dual-degree program)
Stratum : S2 – Master of Science (M.Sc) European Urban Studies
Period : 2000-2005
University : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya
Study program : Architecture
Stratum : S1 – Bachelor of Engineering (ST) Architecture


  • Urban Design
  • Urban Morphology
  • Urban Management
  • Urban Economics
  • Site Planning
  • Project Management


  1. Navitas, P., Irsyad, F. R. N., & Larasati, A. F. (2024). Planning practice in Indonesia during COVID-19: insights from students. Planning Practice and Research, 39(2), 239-256.
  2. Febrianti, Y., Navitas, P. & Winaris, N., 2023. Communication Dynamics Between First-Year Doctoral Students and Supervisors. Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 20(2), pp. 169-184.
  3. Salimah, M., Septanaya, I. D. M. F. & Navitas, P., 2023. Perubahan Perilaku Wisatawan dan Aktivitas Wisata Pasca Terjadinya Pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Yogyakarta. Jurnal Penataan Ruang, Volume 18, pp. 19-29.
  4. Sari, I. F. & Navitas, P., 2023. Menghijaukan Jakarta Selatan: Arahan Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Mampang Prapatan. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 12(3), pp. 172-178.
  5. Adilah, R. & Navitas, P., 2022. Evaluating COVID-19 Transmission Prevention Measures in Public Rental Flats (Rusunawa). Journal of Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management, 4(2), pp. 105-116.
  6. Hardiyanto, J. O. & Navitas, P., 2022. Liveable street design guideline for youth community place in Sudimoro Café Corridor, Malang City. 1st International e-Conference on Green and Safe Cities 2022 (IeGRESAFE), pp. 459-469.
  7. Irvanda, R. & Navitas, P., 2022. Konsep revitalisasi Rusunawa Sombo berdasarkan persepsi penghuni. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 11(2), pp. 68-74.
  8. Narendra, Y. R. & Navitas, P., 2022. Factors contributing to housing provision in Surabaya: Perspectives from real estate developers. Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Environment, 9(3), pp. 181-203.
  9. Navitas, P. & Febrianti, Y., 2022. Analysing engineering students’ information retrieval behaviour using online databases as information sources. Jurnal Kajian Informasi & Perpustakaan, 10(2), pp. 141-156.
  10. Nurdin, R. R. & Navitas, P., 2022. Arahan Pengembangan Kawasan Sempadan Sungai di Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang dengan Konsep Water Sensitive Urban Design. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 11(3), pp. 82-87.
  11. Septanaya, I. D. M. F., Navitas, P., Yusuf, M., Navastara, A. M., Faradisa, S., & Stefanugroho, P. K. (2021). Vulnerability assessment of public rental housing (Rusunawa) residents in facing the risk of COVID-19 transmission (Case study of Surabaya). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
  12. Adilah, R. & Navitas, P., 2021. Identifikasi Kerentanan Rusunawa Surabaya terhadap COVID-19. Jurnal Teknik ITS, 10(2), pp. 52-57.
  13. Navitas, P., 2021. Improving disaster risk communication in various disaster scenarios, Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology.
  14. Septanaya, I.D.M.F., Rahmawati, D., Navitas, P., & Stefanugroho, P.K. “What sets it apart from the rest? Investigating the national slum upgrading program, KOTAKU, in Surabaya.” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 562.


  • Associate Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), UK (2017)
  • LPDP Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) Awardee (2015)
  • Awarded as PKM-M Supervisor from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (2014)
  • Holding Lecturer Certification from the Ministry of Education and Culture (2014)
  • Awardee of Reisekostenzuschuss for Sommerakademie at Rostock University, Germany, from DAAD (2011)

Work Experiences

  1. Urban Planner : Private Jetty Planning and Design in Nusa Dua, Bali (2022).
  2. Disaster Management Specialist : Sampang Regency Disaster Response Plan (2022).
  3. Team Leader : Tuban Regency Disaster Response Plan (2022).
  4. Urban Planner : Nganjuk Industrial Estate Feasibility Study (2022).
  5. Team Leader : Hi-tech Mall Revitalisation Feasibility Study and Business Plan (2022).
  6. Urban Planner : Affordable Housing in East Java (2021).
  7. Architect : Governmental Complex in Jember Regency (2021).
  8. Urban Planner : Mid-sized Cities Development Plan, East Java Provincial Government (2021).
  9. Urban Planner : East Java Investment Corridor – Gresik, Lamongan, and Tuban (2020).


  1. Designing Walkable Neighborhoods. A Comparative Study Between Surabaya and Malang.  Directorate for Research and Public Outreach (DRPM), ITS, Surabaya (2022).
  2. Housing Choice and Housing Preference Among Millennials in Surabaya.  Directorate for Research and Public Outreach (DRPM), ITS, Surabaya (2021).
  3. Design Guidelines for High-density Public Housing: Learning from the COVID-19 Outbreak.  Directorate for Research and Public Outreach (DRPM), ITS, Surabaya (2020).
  4. Identification of Critical Infrastructure in Surabaya Metropolitan Area. Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM ITS) (2014).
  5. Design Concept of Fire Risk Area in Surabaya City. Case Study: Pakis, Ploso and Tambakrejo Villages. Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM ITS) (2013).
  6. Urban Logistics Distribution Strategy Design. Case Study: Surabaya Metropolitan Area.  Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM ITS) (2013).
  7. Environmental Criteria for Inclusive Children’s Play Facilities in Surabaya City Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM ITS) (2012).
  8. Assessment of Housing Externalities in Surabaya City Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM ITS) (2012).
  9. Impact of Residential Land Development on Land Price Dynamics in Surabaya City Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM ITS) (2011).