Vision and Mission


Become an institution with integrity, high competency, and innovative in the field of urban and regional planning in a sustainable manner in order to support regional autonomy and the internationalization of ITS

The vision of  URP-ITS consist of three groups of keywords which are explained as follows:

  1. Integrity, high competence, and innovation

URP-ITS with integrity means an integrated unit and always supports ITS and FADP development policies. High and Innovative Competence means that URP-ITS is also expected to have good abilities in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and always produce new ideas and products in the Field of Regional and City Planning. These three keywords reflect the spirit of URP-ITS to support ITS as a research university.

  1. Urban and Regional Planning Field

This keyword reflects URP Competency to support FADP Competency, Especially in the natural resource field in urban, rural, coastal, and sea area

  1. Autonomy regional and Internationalization

The formation of the URP Department initially to support government policies to implement regional autonomy. The enthusiasm continued because of regions in Indonesia, especially in Eastern Indonesia that still need support in education, research, and community service in the URP field. In addition, the URP-ITS also fully supports ITS to achieve its international reputation through its Tri Dharma College activities.


URP’s vision encapsulates in this mission as follows:

  1. To implement transparent and accountable organization management with spirit of togetherness to achieve
  2. To provide efficient, innovative, and continuous education
  3. To flourish Technology Sciences excellence in URP field oriented in natural resources management
  4. To flourish the network of education, research, public service activities

In short, basically there are 4 component mission of URP, there are transparent and accountable organization management; efficient, innovative, and continuous education; Technology Sciences excellence in competition field and growing network

Scientific Vision

To deliver a URP education that portrayed URP graduates as being able to produce a creative, innovative, sustainable urban and regional planning that accommodate and prioritize public interests, being skillful in the technical approach of planning, and poses an excellence analytical and communication skills, using ICT

Education Aims

The aims are to realize the mission of delivering efficient, innovative and sustainable education:

  1. To deliver education to produce graduates that has good competency in urban and regional planning sciences, excellent soft skills
  2. To deliver education to produce graduates that can fulfill and create the job in the urban and regional planning department, as well as graduates that can implement Urban and regional planning mindset in relevant professional
  3. To deliver education that can cooperate with overseas university
  4. To develop modeling in Urban and regional planning department in accordance with the development of science and IT

Target and Development Strategy Plan

# Objectives to realize aims in mission number 1 :

  1. The purpose runs effective and professional organization is realized by Objectives:
    • Organization structure of Department allocation evident task
    • Standard Operational Procedure for the carry out evident task
    • Management System of monitoring and evaluating the program that integrated
  2. The purpose of financial management with accountable and transparent realized by objectives:
    • Financial Standart Operational Procedure in Department that is transparent and accountable
    • Financial Management System transparent, accountable, and integrated

The main strategy to realize the purposes and objectives above are:

  • Increase system and culture professional work
  • Increase quality of human resources of non-academic staff
  • Developing facilities and infrastructure supported by adequate IT

# Objectives to realize aims in mission number 2 :

  1. The purpose delivers education to produce that have good competence in the urban and regional planning field, good soft skill, good ethic and morality are realized by objectives:
    • Rasio of Lecturer to student compatible with standard
    • Rasio of non-academic staff to student compatible with standard
    • The availability lecturer in accordance with field study that is compatible with standard
    • Adequate academic facilities and academic support
    • The existence of soft skill, ethics and spiritual development program
  2. The purpose delivers education to produce a graduate that can fulfill an create employment in Urban and Regional Planning field as well as graduate that can implement Urban and regional planning mindset in relevant professional realized by objectives.
    • Curriculum that suits the needs of developing science and markets
    • Learning process that supports the development of student competencies and soft skills
    • Availability of learning support facilities
  3. The purpose to deliver education that can cooperate with an overseas university which is realized by objectives:
    • The curriculum that can facilitate the needs of foreign students
    • Organizing periodic international seminars
    • Organizing guest lectures from foreign speakers

The main strategy to realize the purposes and objectives above are:

  • Increase the number of lecturers that has doctoral degree and professor
  • Develop curriculum according to national and international qualifications
  • Improve student development and the quality of graduates
  • Develop a competitive academic culture

# Objectives to realize aims in mission number 3:

  1. The aim of developing research activities and community service is to support scientific development, policy, and handle community issues in the field of Regional and City Planning in general, as well as coastal areas in particular with the principles of sustainable development, both locally, nationally, and internationally :
    • Roadmap for research and community service that contains elements of the coastal area and the principle of sustainable development
    • Increased number of national studies
    • Increased number of international cooperation studies
    • Increased community service
    • Increased national and international publications
  2. The purpose of developing modeling in the field of Regional and City Planning in accordance with the development of science and information technology is realized with the objectives:
    • The creation of modeling to support scientific and policy development in the field of Regional and City Planning
    • Intellectual Property Rights for modeling that have been created

The main strategies carried out to realize the above goals and objectives are:

  1. Develop cooperation to support the development of research and community service with institutions both at home and abroad
  2. Develop incentives for research and scientific publications
  3. Encourage partnerships to develop Regional and City Planning models

# The goal of realizing the objectives of mission 4, namely to develop partnerships with domestic and foreign universities, governments, regional governments, non-governmental organizations, and international institutions, is realized with the following objectives:

  1. There is cooperation in the fields of education, research and community service with government institutions, NGOs and foreign institutions
  2. There is support for resources from government institutions, NGOs and foreign institutions in the development of education, research, and community service in the ITS URP.

The main strategies carried out to realize the above goals and objectives are:

  1. Improve the image and reputation of the ITS Regional and City Planning Department
  2. Increase innovation and cooperation with government institutions, NGOs, and foreign institutions

Efforts to ensure the sustainability of study programs, especially in terms of:

  1. Efforts to increase the interest of prospective students:
  • Conduct a roadshow to several high schools in Surabaya which are held annually by the ITS-URP Student Association. In addition, the roadshow was also carried out by the Team from ITS and Departments to Senior High Schools in the major cities of East Java (up to now there have been three roadshows, namely in 2012, 2013 and 2014).
  • Visitation from high school and tutoring students in Surabaya to attend open houses at the URP Department (PLANOPOLIS), and take part in activities held periodically by the URP-ITS Student Association (among others, taking part in photography competitions, poster, tryout, debate). year.
  1. Efforts to improve management quality:

The URP Department currently has an organizational structure consisting of Chairpersons of Departments, Secretary of Departments, General Subdivisions, Laboratories (Regional Planning Laboratories, Urban Planning and Computing Laboratories), Department Consideration Commissions, and lecturers.


At this time the URP Department has made efforts to formulate organizational foundations in establishing organizational managerial functions in the form of planning, management, implementation, and supervision, which include:


  1. inventory databases development of department
  2. Implementation of self-evaluation
  3. Preparation of URP Department Development Plan
  4. Development of Academic Administration System
  5. Compilation of Studio Implementation Standards


In 2014 the URP Department of ITS submitted a Opening Proposal for the S-2 Study Program in Urban and Regional Planning. Currently in the process of discussion in the ITS Academic Senate.


  1. The Efforts to improve the quality of graduates:

Undergraduate Program of URP-ITS is an educational institution oriented to produce graduates not only with sharp and quality analytical skills; expertise in communicating communicative and representative information and planning concepts; but also readiness to enter the workforce independently.


To get the competencies the efforts taken are:


  1. In 2014 the Undergraduate Program of URP- ITS evaluated the 2009-2014 curriculum and compiled the 2014-2019 curriculum based on the IQF. This curriculum is structured in order to prepare students to face AEC and AFTA which began in 2015.
  2. The 2014-2019 curriculum requires students to take part in Entrepreneurship courses placed in semester VIII. Through this lecture students are trained to develop independent businesses (able to create their own jobs).
  3. To equip students (and prospective graduates) to have the ability to write scientific works, Undergraduate Program URP-ITS organizes student scientific writing tutorials.
  4. To prepare graduates who have superior and professional competence in the preparation of spatial plans, undergraduate Program URP-ITS plans to open a One-Year Professional Program held in collaboration with the East Java Planning Experts Association.



  1. Efforts for the implementation and results of partnerships :

Collaborating with government, among others by:


2012    Surabaya City Government; (Cooperation with the URP Department) in order to improve the quality of Surabaya City Government officials in the field of urban planning and urban design in preparation for delegation of authority to issue building permit to District Offices; through education and training held in 2012.

2012    Sumenep Regency Government (Collaboration with URP Department); in order to improve the quality of the apparatus to solve problems related to the implementation of spatial plans and the implementation of physical development in Sumenep Regency; through education and training held in 2012.

2013    Banyuwangi Regency Government (with Banyuwangi Regency Bappeda through collaboration with LPPM ITS) in the framework of preparing spatial plans (four RDTRK, two Strategic Area Plans, and one Coastal Zone Spatial Plan) held in 2014.

2014    The Sumenep Regency Government is in the framework of drafting the Raperda on Housing and Settlements held in 2014.

2015    Banyuwangi Regency Government (Collaboration of East Java Province Marine and Fisheries Service and ITS URP Department) in the framework of Community Service for fishing communities in Muncar.



  1. Efforts for the implementation and results of partnerships:

The efforts made by the URP Department in obtaining competitive grants are:


  • Develop a research culture for young lecturers in each laboratory at the URP Department. This effort is carried out through research incentives from the department, so that it is expected to stimulate interest and add to the research experience for young lecturers, so that later they can compete in more competitive research.

•    Establish a forum for communication and cooperation between laboratories in the URP Department to improve competitiveness in collaborative research and community service competitions.

  1. Utilization of Study Program Development Planning documents to ensure the consistency and sustainability of the main policies of the study program in the future
  2. Developing an MoU and an active MoA to enhance cooperation in the fields of education, research, community service with institutions both of domestic and abroad
  3. Developing incentive system to student that have academic achievement and extracurricular
  4. Certified Laboratory Based Education (LBE) for all laboratories at URP to strengthen the synergy of lecturers and students in carrying out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education
  5. Empower the role of the General Head of Subdivision to improve the capacity and level of education staff
  6. Enforce doctor qualification requirements in the recruitment of lecturers to strengthen lecturer HR in the future
  7. Empower the Study Program Consideration Commission (KPJ) to strengthen the quality assurance function in theBechelor degree Program of URP
  8. Develop counseling units to improve student academic achievement through collaboration between laboratories, ITS student organizations, and alumni
  9. Facilitating the development of Intellectual Property Rights for each laboratory product, in the form of models, software / publications, and ISBN books
  10. Develop togetherness activities to strengthen relations between lecturers, students, employees, and alumni
  11. Designing curriculums that are flexible and adaptive to technological developments, spatial planning policies, and demands for international reputation
  12. Facilitating the development of lecturer capacities through efforts to accelerate further studies to doctoral level (S3) and increase functional level to become lector heads and professors
  13. Establish a National and International reputable Masters and Professional Program in Regional and City Planning
  14. Organizing lectures in English, especially in elective courses
  15. Prioritizing funding sources from non-government institutions to develop Undergradute Program of URP facilities and infrastructure while based on the principles of transparency and accountability
  16. Develop clinical research proposals, scientific articles, and IPR in each laboratory to train lecturers to develop the ability of scientific publications both on a national and international scale
  17. Integrated promotion system based on seminars, workshops, expos, and news in mass, electronic and ICT media by highlighting the work of lecturers and students
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