
Application of Green City for the Prosperous Future

Tue, 01 Jan 2019
4:08 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Perancanaan Wilayah Kota   |

A total of 45 students from the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) visited the Surabaya Ten Technology Institute (ITS) Regional and Urban Planning Department (PWK) to discuss urban issues and guest lectures with the theme Green City on Monday (12/2).

Green city is a sustainable and environmentally friendly concept of city development. The concept is achieved through a development strategy that balances economic growth, social life and environmental protection. This makes the city a habitable place not only for the present generation, but also for the next generation.

The ITS PWK Department lecturer, Ema Umilia ST MT, who was the speaker at the guest lecture explained that Green City was intended to bring prosperity to its citizens. “No need to go far, Surabaya has also applied the concept for a long time. This can be seen from the development of solar panels and windmills here, “he said.

However, according to Ema, the problem of clean water in Surabaya still requires a lot of studies to be included in the green city concept. “Singapore is an example of a nearby country that has successfully implemented this concept,” said the bespectacled woman.

Ema explained again, the design of the city with the green city concept is principled spatial planning on the concept of sustainable city development. “Not only environmentally friendly, this kind of city also creates attractive and aesthetic spatial planning,” he added.

With the help of the awareness of the city community itself, said Ema, the future urban concept is sure to run smoothly. So that it can have an impact on both the present and future generations. (li / hil)

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