Research Dive Experience Will Be Applied In PWK ITS – January 2018

The data is currently open and can be managed easily through Big Data. The

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Guest Lecture “Provides ITS PWK Students About Choice Modeling” – February 2018

The guest lecture entitled Revealed and Stated Preference Survey: Data Collection and Analysis took

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Guest Lecture “Urban Governance” by Ridwan Sutriadi, ST, MT, PhD – 13 March 2018

This guest lecture was themed Urban Governance with resource persons Ridwan Sutriadi, ST, MT,

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The Importance of Coastal Sea Spatial Planning – 7 March 2018

In order to improve students’ understanding of Marine space planning, the ITS Regional and

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ITS PWK Department Passes 12 PKM Funded by Kemenristekdikti

This year, 12 proposals for the Student Creativity Program (PKM) from the ITS Department

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