Tema : Bandara dalam tata ruang wilayah
The guest lecture this time was filled by Mr. Andy Dearden from Sheffield Hallam
In institutional management there are 3 approaches, namely: calculus, historical, and socialist. there are
The themes discussed in the International guest lecture on 28 August 2017 delivered by
This guest lecture was themed “Strategic Issues in Sea Space Planning in Indonesia” with
Guest Lecture in the PWK department by the Kotaku Team, was filled by the
This guest lecture was from Pulse Lab Jakarta with the speaker Mr. Imaduddin Amin,
Pemateri : Emir Hartanto, M. GIS Pritta Andrani, ST Instansi : Yayasan Peta Bencana
Details of activities Gama Multi Internship Program for Public Relations, Information Technology, Project Management
The data is currently open and can be managed easily through Big Data. The
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Nur Rhaeni Febrianti Ekaningytiyas is a 2015 City Planning Department student who was chosen
Rincian Kegiatan Economic Feasibility Analysis & Traffic Volume Planning of Toll Road – Makassar