The Alumni Association of Urban and Regional Planning (PWK) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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ITS students won the title of champion in the national level competition. This time
ITS Campus, ITS News – Three Students of the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology
International Urban Training Center (IUTC), Republic of Korea Under Partnership between UN-HABITAT & Gangwon-do
Informasi Nama : Muhammad Ilham Perkasa NRP : 082116400068 Program : Sandwich Exchange Program
Rincian Kegiatan Kampus Merdeka Bank Indonesia Bagi mahasiswa peserta program Kampus Merdeka di
Theme of Guest Lecture : Antisipasi Risiko Bencana dengan InaRisk Lecturer : Ridwan Yunus
interviewees : Prof. Dr. Deden Rukmana Coordinator of Program of Urban and Regional Planning,