Student Achievement

1st Place Innovation Battlefield 2019

1st Place Innovation Battlefield 2019 organized by the University of Indonesia on 29-30 November

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2nd place winner in the Scientific Writing Contest 2019

PWK ITS students won 2nd place in the 2019 Scientific Writing Contest held by

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Student of URP won Festagama competition 2019

No Nama Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Nama Mahasiswa NRP CAPAIAN Pelaksanaan 1 Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah

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Student Exchange: SIT Sandwich Program Fall Semester 2018

Informasi Nama                    : Muhammad Ilham Perkasa NRP                       : 082116400068 Program               : Sandwich Exchange Program

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ITS PWK Department Passes 12 PKM Funded by Kemenristekdikti

This year, 12 proposals for the Student Creativity Program (PKM) from the ITS Department

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Best Delegate for Housing and Settlements

Full Name: Nur Arning Tenggara Kasih NRP: 082115400000031 Title of Activity: National Youth Consultation

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Infographic Competition – Kujang Demographic Bonus

Education is a very important thing that must be owned if a nation wants

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