Dr. I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya, S.T., M.T., M.Sc.

Name : Dr. I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya, S.T., M.T., M.Sc.
NIDN : 0030098909
NIP : 1989202011005
E-mail : septanaya@its.ac.id


Dewa Frendika began his academic career in 2021 as a Lecturer in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). He is an active researcher at the Laboratory of Urban Development and Design, focusing on housing planning and policies for low-income urban communities. Dr. Frendika earned his Ph.D. from Sorbonne University in 2019. His dissertation, “L’évolution de l’offre de logements bon marché dans les régions métropolitaines de Java (Jakarta et Surabaya),” was supervised by Prof. Olivier Sevin and funded by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP). This work won the Prix Mahar Schützenberger award from the Association Franco-Indonésienne pour le Développement des Sciences (AFIDES). In addition, Dr. Frendika is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo-Engineering (FTSPK) at ITS and serves on the board of the East Java branch of the Indonesian Association of Planners (IAP) and the Indonesian French Alumni Association (IAPI).


  • Housing Planning and Policy
  • Urban Studies
  • Planning Theory


Doctoral degree Sorbonne Université

(Tropical World Studies – Planning, Environment)

 2014 – 2019
Master’s degree Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO)

(Urban Development Management)

 2011 – 2013
Undergraduate degree Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

(Urban and Regional Planning)

 2008 – 2012


  • Urban Planning Practice
  • Housing and Settlement
  • Sustainable Development
  • Urban Economic
  • Planning Theories
  • Land Use Planning and Management
  • Planning Statistic
  • Natural Resources and Environmental System
  • Computer Programing
  • Public Policies
  • Urban and Regional Infrastructure
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Site Planning


  1. Salimah, M., Septanaya, I.D.M.F., & Navitas, P. “Perubahan Perilaku Wisatawan dan Aktivitas Wisata Pasca Terjadinya Pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Yogyakarta.” Jurnal Penataan Ruang, vol.18, p.19-29.
  2. Septanaya, I.D.M.F & Fortuna, S. “Gender Mainstreaming Efforts in Disaster Management Plans: Case Study West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol.87, 103576.
  3. Ariastita, P.G., Septanaya, I.D.M.F., Koswara, A.Y., Tucunan, K.P., Raharjo, A.B., & Stefanugroho, P.K. “Pengembangan Sistem E-Lapor untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengelolaan Data Perumahan, Prasarana, Sarana, dan Utilitas (PSU) di Kabupaten Sidoarjo.” Sewagati, vol.7, 3.
  4. Drestanta, E.E., Muskita, E., Sepatanaya, I.D.M.F., & Stefanugroho, P.K. “The Role of the Church Institution in Responding the COVID-19 Pandemic (Case Study: Jemaat Rehoboth, GPM)”. Jurnal Penataan Ruang, vol.17, 1, p.54-63.
  5. Siagian, L.D.T., Stefanugroho, P.K., Nisa, Z., Septanaya, I.D.M.F., Ariastita, P.G. “Assessment of Livability on Settlements Developed by Informal Land Subdividers in Gunung Anyar and Rungkut Districts, Surabaya.” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1015.
  6. Septanaya, I.D.M.F., Ariastita, P.G., Firmansyah, F., & Rizky, F. “Selecting the Best Route for Aerial Ladder Truck to Speed Up Response Time in High-Rise Buildings Located in Unprotected and High Fire Risk Areas”. Jurnal Penataan Ruang, vol.16, 2, p.110-118.
  7. Septanaya, I.D.M.F., Navitas, P., Yusuf, M., Navastara, A.M., Faradisa, S., & Stefanugroho, P.K. “Vulnerability Assessment of Public Rental Housing (Rusunawa) Residents in Facing the Risk of COVID-19 Transmission (Case Study of Surabaya).” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 778.
  8. Faradisa, S.F., Ariastita, P.G., Septanaya, I.D.M.F. “Tipologi Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa) di Kota Surabaya.” Jurnal Teknik ITS, vol.9,2, p.C 93-98.
  9. Septanaya, I.D.M.F., Rahmawati, D., Navitas, P., & Stefanugroho, P.K. “What sets it apart from the rest? Investigating the national slum upgrading program, KOTAKU, in Surabaya.” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 562.
  10. Ariastita, P.G. Koswara, A.Y., Tucunan, K.P., Septanaya, I.D.M.F., Hidayati, S.C., & Fortuna, S. “Rancang Bangun Sistem Cerdas E-Pengelolaan Aset Prasarana, Sarana dan Utilitas (PSU) Perumahan Berbasis Web di Kabupaten Sidoarjo.” ITS Tekno Sains: Surabaya.
  11. Ariastita, P.G., & Septanaya, I.D.M.F. Konsep Pembangunan Kota. Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota ITS: Surabaya.
  12. Septanaya, I.D.M.F. “L’evolution de l’offre de logements bon marché dans les régions métropolitaines de Java (Jakarta et Surabaya). http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUL045.
  13. Septanaya, I.D.M.F. & Rahmawati, D. “Slum upgrading initiative through KOTAKU program in Surabaya: A study of multi-actor cooperation and community capacity building.” CITIES 2019, Surabaya, October 16, 2019.


2022 – Present Member and Head of Research Division at the Indonesian Association of Planning Experts (IAP).




Member of Objectif Sciences International – United Nations ECOSOC
Ambassador of France Bienvenue Program
Prix Mahar Schützenberger (AFIDES France)
Trophée Alumni: Engagement pour la société civile
2014 Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP)
2013 Fast-Track Program

Work Experiences

  • Team Leader: Preparation of the Detailed Spatial Plan for Tulangan Urban Area (2024).
  • Expert Team Member: Policy and Strategy for Housing and Settlement Development in East Java for 2045 (2024).
  • Expert team member: Master Plan for Housing, Ports and Ammonia and Urea Factories in Fakfak Regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia (2023).
  • Team Leader: Project for Academic Manuscript and Local Government Regulation for Housing and Settlement Development Plans of Kediri, East Java Province, Indonesia (2023).
  • Team Leader: Project for compiling the Tuban Regency Infrastructure Service Quality Index (IKLI) (2023).
  • Team leader: Plan for Prevention and Improvement of the Quality of Slum Housing and Settlements in Kediri, East Java Province, Indonesia (2022).
  • Team leader: Housing and Settlement Development Plans in Kediri, East Java Province, Indonesia (2022).
  • Team leader: Project for compiling the Tuban Regency Infrastructure Service Quality Index (IKLI) (2022).
  • Team leader: Revision of the Madiun Spatial Plan (2022).
  • Expert team member: The housing plan for civil servants in the Indonesian new capital city in East Kalimantan Province (2021).
  • Expert team member: Designated Development Zones/ Growth Poles: Baucau and Batugade, Timor Leste (2021).
  • Expert team member: The strategy to accelerate the provision of decent and affordable housing in urban areas of East Java Province (2021).
  • Expert team member: The strategy for empowering the primary sector’s economy in the new normal era in East Java Province, Indonesia (2021).
  • Expert team member: Plan to provide supporting infrastructure for medium-sized urban development corridors in East Java Province, Indonesia (2021).
  • Expert team member: Urban Transformation Project in Surabaya, Prosperity Fund Global – Future Cities Program (2020).
  • Expert team member: Engaging Business Development Services (BDS) to build Business Capacity of Sanitation Entrepreneur in East Java Region Office (EJRO) of USAID IUWASH PLUS – Phase 2 (2020).
  • Expert team member: Study of the impact of large-scale social restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic on the port sector (2020).
  • Expert team member: Infrastructure development plan to support the GresikLamongan-Tuban investment axis (2020).
  • Expert team member: The evaluation of infrastructure development project in East Java Province (2020).
  • Expert team member: Feasibility study of fire truck ladder in Sidoarjo Regency (2019).
  • Expert team member: The synchronization of spatial and environmental protection policies in Rejoso watershed areas in Pasuruan Regency (2019).


  • Lead Researcher: Evacuation Routes Planning of Mount Semeru Pyroclastic Flow. ITS Consortium Funding Programme, ITS Center Collaborative Research Scheme (2024).
  • Lead Researcher: Decision Model for Subsidised Housing Residents’ Satisfaction, ITS Department Funding Programme Batch 2, Department Research Scheme Batch 2 (2023).
  • Lead Researcher: Alternative Solution For Landslide Disaster Management in Kidul Gunung, Situbondo Regency through Spatial Arrangement of Housing and Settlement Analysis. ITS Consortium Funding Programme, ITS Center Collaborative Research Scheme (2023).
  • Lead Researcher: Policy Recommendation of Affordable Housing Provision with Public-Private Partnership Scheme Based on Market Property Analysis (Study Case: Pilot Project Rusunami SKBG in Surabaya). ITS Research Funding Programme, Development of National Institutions Research Scheme (2023).
  • Research Team Member: The Arrangement of Zoning Regulation and Airspace Security for Juanda International Airport. ITS Department Funding Programme, Department Research Scheme (Batch 2) (2023).
  • Lead Researcher: The Arrangement of Zoning Regulation and Airspace Security for Military Main Base Area, Study Case of Iswahjudi Air Base. ITS Department Funding Programme, Department Research Scheme (Batch 2) (2022).
  • Research Team Member, Damage and Risk Assessment of Flood Disaster using Subgrid 3D Model Simulation through Computer Generated Architecture (CGA) Approach. ITS Consortium Funding Programme, ITS Center Collaborative Research Scheme (2021).
  • Research Team Member, Housing Choice and Preference of Millennials in Surabaya City, ITS Department Funding Programme 2020, Department Funding Research Scheme (2021).
  • Research Team Member, Concept and Design Guidelines of Rusunawa (Affordable Housing) to overcome the COVID-19 Pandemic, ITS Department Funding Programme 2020, Department Funding Research Scheme (2020).