Nusantara Infrastructure
in Kab. Attack
20 Credits
Activity Code : MB-10
Activity Period : 01 Aug – 30 Dec 2022 (5 months)
Improvements in the operation and management of the company by optimizing existing technology (SCM, SCADA, Front End Application) to obtain the most effective and efficient operational procedures so that it will result in increased efficiency in the production process, effectiveness in operational management, and good service to customers .
Interns will evaluate the overall production process, starting from the operation of the intake, water treatment, distribution system, including the operation of the booster pump unit. Efficiency in the use of chemicals and energy (electricity) consumption which is part of the variable cost in the production cost component will be one of the parameters assessed, by optimizing the SCM and SCADA systems that have been installed.
Interns also make studies on the effectiveness of existing human resources in order to optimize activities in the production process, maintenance process, procurement process, inventory, which are related to all activities in the management and operation of the company. Improvements in improving the Front End Application by providing input from the user experience side.
Evaluation of clean water distribution network using GIS and service optimization using hydraulic network simulation (EPANET). Benefits for Students: – Understand in more detail the implementation of unit operation & process science in clean water treatment systems. – Get the opportunity to optimize the implementation of technology in the clean water supply system. – Direct learning related to problems in the field and their solutions.
1. Student majoring in Urban & Regional Planning Engineering or the like
2. Active college students, at least semester 5
3. Minimum GPA 3.00
4. Have you ever used the QGIS application?
5. Have the ability to speak English
6. Do not cancel unilaterally if an internship has been accepted at Nusantara Infrastructure;
7. Physically and mentally healthy;
8. Able to communicate well and work in groups;
9. Have high initiative and creativity
Digital Transformation in The Government and Public Sector Social Economic Accelerator Lab (SEAL) di Kab. Malang 20 SKS Rincian
Details of activities Town Management Inviting all Indonesian students to join the internship program in the Town Management division
Strategic Taskforce National Technopark Role Model Development Solo Technopark (STP) plays a role as a national role model for