City growth and fulfillment of the social aspects of the city tend to fulfill economic facilities, one of which is housing needs. Private developers only fulfill medium and luxury homes, while simple houses are not met, the phenomenon of urban slums emerges, slums occur because access to basic facilities such as clean water, electricity and roads is not fulfilled. There is a possibility of partnership practices in Indonesia in overcoming slums such as in Surabaya being the Best Pratice to alleviate the slums of the city.
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Lecture : Ir. Wahju Widya Laksana N, MM Agency : Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Prov. Jawa Timur Theme of
Theme : Pemanfaatan Teknologi Drone dalam Penataan Ruang Lecture : Ramadhan Adi Pratama, ST, MT Agency : PT. Urban