The ITS Bachelor Urban and Regional Planning Program (PWK) was established in 2001 by opening the first student admissions in 2002. PWK ITS has been accredited A by BAN-PT in 2015 and is currently continuing to the ASEAN University Network (AUN) certification. The curriculum offered at PWK ITS is focused on regional, city and coastal planning with a variety of supporting programs and choices. Through teaching, studio and research activities, students are facilitated to achieve certain abilities and apply them in the scientific fields of regions, cities and coastal areas. There are also English classes for several courses held in each semester.
The Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) was established with its operating permit based on the Decree of Study Program Number 2825 / D / T / 2001 per August 30, 2001, and continued the first year of teaching activities in 2002 (as the firstly students recruitment held in 2002). DURP first external quality assurance accreditation from BAN-PT (DIKTI) was firstly obtained in 2010 with mark B based on SK BAN-PT No.029 / BAN-PT / Ak-XIII / S1 / XII / 2010, continued in 2015 and successfully marked A based on SK BAN-PT No.1122/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2015. The vision and mission of the establishment and development of DURP are supporting the vision of ITS in an effort to become an international reputable research university and DURP focuses on urban, regional, and coastal development.
DURP Vision:
An institution of integrity, high- competence, and innovative in the field of sustainable regional and city planning in order to support regional autonomy and internationalization
DURP Missions:
- Implement transparent and accountable organization management with the spirit of togetherness to achieve prosperity;
- Implement an efficient, innovative and sustainable education;
- Developing the advantage of science and technology in the field of Urban and Regional Planning sustainable management of natural resources in urban areas, rural areas, and coastal zone;
- Developing a network of educational activities, research and community service.
DURP Objectives :
- Objectives to reach Mission no 1 (issue of management):
- Implement an effective and professional organization
- Manage finances in a transparent and accountable manner
- Objectives to reach Mission no 2 (issue of education):
- Conduct education to produce graduates with good competence in the field of Urban and Regional Planning, good soft skill ability in good ethics
- Conduct education to produce graduates that meets the needs and create employment in the field of Urban and Regional Planning
- Organize education that can work together with foreign universities
- Objectives to reach Mission no 3 (issue of science and technology):
- Develop research and community service activities to support the development of science, policy, and addressing community issues in the field of urban and regional planning, as well as coastal areas in particular with the principles of sustainable development, locally, nationally or internationally
- Develop modelling in the field of Regional and City Planning in accordance with the development of information science and technology
- Objectives to reach Mission no 4 (issue of networking):
- Develop partnerships with domestic and foreign universities, government, local government, non-governmental organizations, and international agencies