Ardy Maulidy Navastara, S.T., M.T.

Name : Ardy Maulidy Navastara, S.T., M.T.
NIDN : 0002027910
NIP    : 197902022008121001

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Ardy has been a distinguished educator in urban and regional planning ITS for over 15 years, dedicating their career to both teaching and research. Now, Ardy is head of Urban Development And Design Laboratory. He acquire his Bachelor’s degree in Architecture at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), followed by a Master’s degree in Urban Management at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) , where he specialized in Urban Design and Management. In addition to his academic pursuits, Ardy is actively involved in several professional organizations such as Asia-Pasific Urban Designer, Indonesian Association of Planning Experts, Indonesian Architects Association and many more. Through these engagements, he continues to influence the field of urban planning, mentoring the next generation of planners and shaping the future of urban development.


  • Urban Planning and Design
  • Land Use and Development
  • Urban Management


  • Master program in Urban Management, Bandung Institute of Technology. Graduated in 2007
  • Bachelor program in Architecture, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. Graduated in 2002


  • Urban Planning Practice
  • Housing and Settlement
  • Development Control
  • Urban Morphology
  • Land Use Planning
  • Social System and Demography
  • Urban Design Practice
  • Planning Law and Administration
  • Site Planning
  • Urban Management



Work Experinces

  • Livable City Index of Kediri City, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • Master Plan of Electrical System in Bandar Lampung City, 2020
  • Master Plan for Integrated Agroindustry and Heritage Tourism Jatiroto, 2020
  • Evaluation of Regional Infrastructure Development Implementation Results in East Java, from 2014 until 2019
  • Formulation of Fire Disaster Contingency Plan in Urban and Regional Planning Building, 2016
  • Socialization of Cultural Heritage Awareness in Singosari Community, Malang Regency, 2015
  • Pre-design of additional building B and Building C of Postgraduate PWK ITS, 2015
  • Evaluation of Development Implementation Results of Regional Infrastructure Sector, 2015
  • Bokori Island Tourism Development Southeast Sulawesi, 2014
  • Academic Paper and Draft Regional Regulation on the Implementation of Housing and Settlement Area of Sumenep District, 2014
  • Evaluation of Development Implementation Results of Regional Infrastructure Sector, 2014
  • Master Plan for Campus Development of Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, 2014
  • Industrial Estate Development Plan in Teluk Bintuni Regency, 2013
  • East Halmahera Industrial Estate Development Plan, 2013
  • Facilitation of Community Initiatives and Improvement of Spatial Quality: Development of Open Non-Green Spaces (RTNH) Nabire, Papua, 2011
  • Action Plan for the Arrangement and Revitalization of Ende City Area, Ende Regency, 2011
  • Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Teluk Lamong, 2010
  • Preparation of Zoning Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands of East Java Province, 2010


  • “The Concepts and The Guidelines for Rental Flats Plan to Response the Covid19 Pandemic”, Researchers: P. Navitas, AM. Navastara, M. Yusuf, IDMF. Septanaya, Urban & Regional Department ITS Funding Program (USD 3.473), 2020
  • REFUND HERITAGE: Initiation of Crowdfunding Potential for Financing the Preservation of the Old Town Area of Gajah Mada Sidoarjo” Researchers: AM. Navastara, M. Yusuf, PT. Setyasa, DD. Saputri, NF. Qas, ITS Funding Program (USD 3.473), 2019
  • “Smart Mobility-Based Fire Response Concept in Surabaya” Researchers: M. Yusuf, AM. Navastara, SH. Kusuma, FAB. Sari, Urban & Regional Department ITS Funding Program (USD 1.041)., 2019
  • “The Development Concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design in Transit Oriented Development Area, Case Study: The Hotel Indonesia Roundabout -Mass Rapid Transit Area, Jakarta” Researchers: S. Nurlaela, AM. Navastara, E. Umilia, AY. Koswara, N. Ismiralda, ITS Funding Program (USD 3.473), 2019
  • “Determination of Factors that Affect the Use of Bunderan ITS Roundabout Park as a Public Space Based on User Preferences in Surabaya” Researchers: M. Yusuf, AM. Navastara, AD. Setyo, ITS Funding Program (USD 3.473), 2019
  • Infrastructure Adaptation Pathways in Achieving Water Sensitive City: Water Sensitive Conceptual Model using system dynamic modeling, 2016 (AIC research)
  • Public Space Transformation of Surabaya City Village, 2015
  • Comparative Study: Impact of Settlement Development on Land Value Change in Urban and Periurban Surabaya, 2012
  • Externality Study of Residential Area in Surabaya City, 2012
  • Environmental Criteria for Inclusive Children’s Play Facilities in Surabaya City, 2012
  • Research: Impact of Residential Land Development on Land Price Dynamics in Surabaya City, 2011