Name : Karina Pradinie Tucunan, S.T., M.Eng.
NIDN : 0019028401
NIP : 198402192015042001
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Karina Tucunan is a professional urban planner whose approach is inspired by the participatory method. Her professional network is extensive, and she frequently collaborates with the commercial sector to develop its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. Recently, she has chosen to pursue her love for the preservation of historic urban landscapes. She feels that this field will be crucial in the future yet is frequently neglected by others. She is now pursuing a Ph.D. at the Australian National University’s Research School of Humanities and the Arts with a minor in Islamic Studies through the BPI LPDP programme. In the past, she was a visiting researcher at Universidade do Porto on an IMPAKT Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and a member of the Youth Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative’s Indonesian delegation at a workshop on urban planning (YSEALI). She served as head of the professional development department for urban planners at the Indonesian Association of Planners East Java from 2019 to 2022, and she will continue to serve as vice president for external affair from 2022 to 2025.
Doctoral degree
The Australian National University (Humanities/Humanistic Studies) |
2022 – 2026
Master’s degree
Gadjah Mada University (Urban and Regional Planning) |
2008 – 2010
Undergraduate degree
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Urban and Regional Planning) |
2002 – 2006
2021 : Awardee BPI LPDP (Indonesian Education Scholarship – Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education)
Grant for research member of eminent research from Indonesia Research and Higher Education (DIKTI) for fundamental research with title : The Concept of Urban Heritage Conservation in Kampong Kemasan-II; Team Leader: Dr.Ir. Rimadewi Supriharjo, MIP, 2016.
Grant for internal scheme action research CAMPUS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES PROGRAM For ITS; Team Leader: Dr. Agnes Tuti Rumianti, 2016.
Grant for internal scheme for international collaboration (MONASH-ITS-UI-IPB) research Urban Water Management Model in Achieving water sensitive city. Case Study : Surabaya; Team Leader: Dr. Adjie Pamungkas, 2016