This visit was from SMA 1 Babat, Lamongan. About 65 students from state 1 Babat Lamongan received remarks from the Head of the ITS PWK Department, Mr. Adjie Pamungkas, ST, M.Dev., Plg., Ph.D. Mr. Adjie Pamungkas introduced PWK including Profiles, Objectives, Fields Related to Regional and City Planning, and also not left behind an explanation of the next level after studying and graduating from PWS ITS. The students were very enthusiastic and wanted to continue their studies to become the family of the ITS PWK Department.
Visit from Study Program of Planologi, Triksakti University, Jakarta. Gues Lecture from ibu Karina Pradinie and bapak I Dewa
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Visit from Malikussaleh University (Aceh) to the ITS PWK Department in order to hear about the formation of a