The concentration of research and studies carried out by the Laboratory is more focused on spatial modeling, risk and disaster management systems, and development of a modeling system, which among others helps in analyzing the planning process.
Cahyono Susetyo, ST, M.Sc, Ph.D
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Nursakti Adhi Pratomoatmojo, ST, M.Sc
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Ketut Dewi Martha Erli Handayeni, ST, MT
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Rivan Aji Wahyu Dyan Syafitri, S.PWK., M.Ars.
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Ardy Maulidy Navastara, ST., MT.
Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, ST, MSc, Ph.D
Dr. Prananda Navitas, ST., MSc.
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya, ST, MT, MSc, Ph.D
Prof. Adjie Pamungkas, ST, M.Dev.Plg, Ph.D
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Dr.Ir. Hertiari Idajati, ST, M.Sc
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