
Strengthening Cooperation, HMPL ITS Visits PWK UGM HMT

Tue, 01 Jan 2019
11:50 am
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Oleh : Admin-Perancanaan Wilayah Kota   |

The Planology Student Association (HMPL) of the November 10th Institute of Technology made a visit as a form of friendship and strengthened cooperation with the Gajah Mada University (UGM) Regional and Urban Planning Engineering Student Association (HMT). Accompanied by one of the ITS PWK lecturers, M. Yusuf, ST., M.Sc and all association functionaries, the event took place on Saturday (3/3).

The visit was filled with sharing experiences of each association in carrying out the mandate. Aldi Ramadhan, Chairperson of the Association (Kahima) of the PLPL PWS ITS said that on this occasion he introduced the cabinet he was presiding over. “In Yogyakarta, I introduced the Dandelion cabinet and the departments in it. Not to forget, before I introduced the ITS campus, “he explained.

He said, Aldi, as he is familiar with, said that he also introduced HMPL’s big event, Planopolis. “I explained briefly about the Planopolis program and the HMK PWK UGM also explained related PESTAGAMA, the big event of their association,” explained the 2015 student.

In addition to explaining the intricacies of the association, this meeting was also supplemented by the existence of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) between departments. In this FGD opportunity, all departments shared information and knowledge with each other. “Sharing experiences, problems faced to the strategies used in problem solving,” he said.

To the PWK ITS Website Team, from the results of the visit Aldi said that the atmosphere of the relationship between PWK UGM and PWK ITS was increasingly felt. This meeting gave birth to new ideas, innovations and views related to solving problems both in the community and in the world of lectures.

The real collaboration agreed upon at the meeting was collaboration in filling out UrplanMagz articles, one of the work programs of the Department of Media and Communication. “Later the PWK HMT UGM can also fill out articles, give opinions on the UrplanMagz column. So far the agreement has been agreed to as limited as the article, but other collaborative plans are planned to follow soon. And cooperation with other departments, “Aldi said.

Ideas related to other collaborations were obtained mainly after studio visits. One of the proposed program agendas is inter-studio visits or conducting joint studio-based virtual co-working space.

After the meeting, HMPL ITS had the opportunity to visit the PETARUNG community held at the Sandi Museum, Yogyakarta. This visit was guided directly by HMT PWK UGM welcoming guests from Surabaya.

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