Nur Rhaeni Febrianti Ekaningytiyas is a 2015 City Planning Department student who was chosen to be one of the participants representing ITS in GPBL activities in Japan by funding a partial scholarship from JASO Scholarship. GPBL is a project-based program held annually by the Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan. In this program, SIT collaborates with various partners to provide real issues that can be used as projects by 72 GPBL participants from 9 countries divided into 12 groups, namely from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan, Mongolia, Germany. The 2018 GPBL is held for 10 (ten) days (December 5-15 2018) at the SIT Omiya campus, Japan. Besides getting a scholarship from JASO. Our student, Nur Rhaeni who joined Group 10 and her group managed to bring home 2 of the 4 awards. The award was the best #OMGProject group award and the Bronze Prize as the third winner of the best work. #OMGProject is a project field trip with tourism promotion output in Toichigi Prefecture, Japan. While bronze prizes are given to groups with the best work in resolving issues that have been provided by SIT in collaboration with various companies and communities.
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The ITS PWK Department will hold a guest lecture on the topic “Implementation of Disaster Management in Indonesia” which
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