Laboratorium Vibrastik Departemen Teknik Fisika ITS memperkenalkan boneka Jolene sebagai perangkat pengukur kebisingan udara untuk mencegah gangguan pendengaran yang dipicu paparan kebisingan di luar intensitas yang dianjurkan. Mikrofon dalam telinga Jolene akan menangkap bunyi yang akan dibaca oleh Sound Level Meter (SLM) yang terintegrasi. Sosialisasi dilakukan secara daring dan luring sebagai bagian dari peringatan Hari Pendengaran Sedunia. Luar biasa!
ITS is a unique institution which combines science, engineering, business, and art studies.
Find the scientists and engineers on our campus. ITS is a home to researchers and lecturers who are experts in their field.
To support the development of research and produce cutting-edge innovation, ITS has various collaboration with many partners.
ITS provides facilities to support research activities, such as laboratories, studios, libraries, etc.
ITS is a highly productive university to produce scientific research and publications. Find the latest publications here.
Beside the lecturers and graduate students, undergraduate students are also allowed to involve in various research programs supervised by prominent researchers.