Initially Statistics was one of the fields of specialization in the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Sure and Natural Sciences (FIPIA) Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). Along with the development of needs in the community, the Division of Statistics Specialization eventually developed into a New Department in FIPIA ITS. To meet the needs of Statistics experts at the Intermediate level, in 1981 opened the Diploma-III Study Program (D-III) Statistics which was approved by the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen DIKTI), Number: 116 / DKTI / Kep / 1984. Starting in 1983 the Department of Statistics was officially established along with the change of the name FIPIA to FMIPA (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) ITS. The establishment of the Department of Statistics FMIPA ITS is based on: PP No. 5 of 1980, PP No. 27 of 1981, and Presidential Decree No. 58 of 1982.
In its development, along with the increased potential that has and the development of the academic climate, and supported by the commitment of the entire academic community, the Statistics D-III Study Program under the Statistics Department has grown into one of the Study Programs at ITS which is a priority choice for the community. Currently the D-III Study Program Statistics is accredited A from the Higher Education National Accreditation Board (BAN PT), with Decree Number: 0187 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / Dipl-III / IV / 2016.
In accordance with the change in the status of ITS from Public Service Institutions (PTN-BLU) to become Legal Entity State Universities (PTN-BH) based on PP No. 83 of 2014 and ITS PP Statute No. 54 of 2015 as well as ITS Chancellor Regulation No. 10 of 2016 concerning Organizational Structure and Governance, the D-III Study Program Statistics morphed into the Business Statistics Department under the Vocational Faculty. The Vocational Faculty (FV) is one of the new faculties formed by ITS based on the Chancellor Regulation Number 10 of 2016 and began operations on January 26, 2017. The Vocational Faculty is assigned the task of managing and coordinating all Vocational Study Programs in the ITS environment. Although the Vocational Faculty is a new Faculty, vocational education actually has been running for a long time in ITS. The vocational tradition at ITS began in 1972, with the opening of the D-III program in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering under the name of the Technical Expertise Program. In the next phase, other D-III programs were opened, such as Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Statistics, and Instrumentation Techniques. With the change in the status of ITS as PTN-BH, a special forum for vocational education in ITS is needed so that it can be further developed in accordance with the characteristics of vocational education.
In general, the Department of Business Statistics aims to develop statistics and their application in various fields, especially in the fields of: Industry, Business, Financial Economics and Social-Population and Health-Environment. To achieve this goal, the Business Statistics Department has two laboratories, namely the Quality and Productivity Engineering Laboratory and the Business-Analytical Laboratory. In addition, to maximize monitoring and evaluation of learning, the courses in the Business Statistics Department are organized into Subject Cluster (RMK) groups, namely: Industrial RMK, Business RMK, Modeling RMK and Formal Science RMK. In addition to monitoring and evaluating the learning process, the RMK Coordinator together with the Head of the Laboratory is responsible for drafting courses offered in each semester and drafting lecturers for each subject.
Currently the Department of Business Statistics has 14 lecturers, with educational qualifications: 2 Doctors and 12 Masters (of which 2 people are pursuing Doctoral education). To support administrative activities, the Department of Statistics-Business has 7 education personnel, consisting of: a Sub-Section Head as coordinator, 1 person for Academic affairs, 1 person in general administration, 1 person for financial affairs, 1 IT admin, 1 person as a scout and 1 person as a parking / security officer.