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Academic activities at the Department of Business Statistics are guided by the academic calendar issued by the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). This calendar includes two main semesters each academic year, which are odd and even semesters. Each semester consists of a lecture period, midterm exams, final exams, and holidays between semesters. This calendar is designed to ensure the smooth running of academic and administrative activities in the department.
In odd semesters, lecture activities usually start in August and last until December. During this period, students take various courses that have been specified in the curriculum. Midterm exams are usually held in the middle of the semester, providing an opportunity for students to evaluate their understanding of the material that has been taught. The final semester exam is then held at the end of the lecture period, marking the end of the odd semester.
The even semester starts in January and ends in May. The pattern of academic activities in even semesters is similar to odd semesters, with lecture periods, midterm exams, and final semester exams. After the final exam, students enjoy a vacation between semesters before starting the next semester. These holidays provide time for students to rest, pursue extracurricular activities, or internships.
This calendar is not only important for students, but also for lecturers and administrative staff. By following a predetermined calendar, all parties can better plan their activities, ensuring that the teaching and learning process runs smoothly and efficiently. The calendar also aids in the coordination of various academic and non-academic activities within the department, creating a conducive and structured learning atmosphere.
The Academic Calendar of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology: