In 2018 the Department of Business Statistics of the Vocational Faculty ITS applied for the opening of the Diploma IV or Applied Bachelor Study Program, and welcomed new students for the Applied Bachelor Study Program in 2019 for the first time.
1) Justification for Opening of Applied Undergraduate Study Program at the Department of Business Statistics
Basically the justification for the opening of the Bachelor of Applied Business Studies Program is because it is driven by growth and the market needs for experts in the field of data analysis. This can be based on trends at the International, National and Local levels.
- International level
The need for professionals in data at the international level is increasing, this is caused by the growth and abundance of data in various forms both structured and unstructured data. this is caused by the presence of information and communication technology, especially internet technology, which gave birth to the era of IoT (Internet of Things) and Big Data.
- National Level
According to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA), in 2020 Indonesia experienced a gap of 56 percent between available and needed supplies, or around 10 million labor needs at managerial level (middle management). Then the workforce needs in the field of data collection, processing and analysis, in various companies are also increasing. This is because the business world faces an abundance of data availability due to advances in information and communication technology (big data). Meanwhile according to the 2017 Higher Education Database, there are 3,467 statistics graduates each year from 15 tertiary institutions (not including STIS because STIS graduates are automatically absorbed by BPS).
Noting the growth and needs of professional staff in the field of data, it is necessary to open a study program that produces graduates to meet the shortage of labor supply in the field of data analysis.
- Local Level
Based on a survey of parents and prospective graduates users in 2018, the majority of parents of DIII in Business Statistics are very interested in enrolling their children in the Bachelor of Applied Business Studies program, while a survey of users of Bachelor of Applied Business Statistics applied in August 2018 with using a simple random sampling technique, obtained as much as 80% data states require Bachelor of Applied Business Statistics while 20% states otherwise.
Users need statistics experts to be placed in the production and marketing department and assigned to production planning and determine marketing strategies through market surveys.
2) Excellence in Applied Business Statistics Undergraduate Study Programs
The superiority of the study program in terms of scientific aspects is the application of statistics for business improvement in the context of business excellence (Statistics for business improvement towards business excellence). Based on business processes, supplier-inputs-process-output-costumer, produces a lot of data. The idea of the establishment of a Bachelor of Applied Business Statistics Study Program is to study the application of statistics to process these data in order to obtain useful information in the preparation of strategies and decision making in the framework of business towards Business Excellence.
Specifically aspects that will be improved in business through the application of statistics are Productivity, Quality, Marketing, and Finance. Every company and business entity needs data processing and analysis workforce. This is because the business world faces an abundance of data availability due to advances in information and communication technology (Big Data).
3) Benefits of Applied Business Statistics Undergraduate Study Programs
a. Contributions to Institutions
Supporting the vision of ITS to become a tertiary institution with an international reputation in science, technology and arts, especially those that support environmentally friendly industries and marine affairs. The Applied Business Statistics Study Program will support the industry through the application of statistical science in the fields of productivity, quality, marketing, and finance.
b. Benefits for the Community
High school graduates (public / vocational) who are interested in continuing their study programs and are interested in statistics will get a new choice in taking the vocational education pathway. As for the business world, there will be professionals available in the field of statistics in accordance with the needs and qualifications needed.
c. Benefits for the nation
The Applied Bachelor of Business Statistics Study Program as a vocational high education program will contribute by producing graduates who are skilled in applying statistics in the business field. Then on a national scale, this will have an impact on increasing the nation’s competitiveness in the ASEAN economic community, particularly in the provision of skilled labor in the field of business statistics.