Applied Bachelor

The Department of Business Statistics is under the Vocational Faculty, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. The Department of Business Statistics has the vision to become an intermediate level Applied Statistics education program that contributes to the fields of Industry, Business, Financial Economics, and Social-Population with an applied bachelor. To become an intermediate level Applied Statistics education program that contributes to the fields of Industry, Business, Financial and Social Economics -Population and Environment-Health. Business Statistics students are prepared to become virtuous human beings, excel in the field of statistics and its application, have a stable and independent personality, have professional abilities and professional ethics, have high integrity and responsibility, have the ability to develop themselves and compete at national and international levels and become Middle-level human resources in the field of statistics are qualified, have the potential to develop and are able to contribute to the application of statistics in the fields of Industry, Business, Financial Economics, and Social-Population and Environment-Health.

Based on the ITS Curriculum Preparation Guidelines 2018 – 2023 article 9 paragraphs 1 and 2, the curriculum is a reference to the minimum quality standard for the implementation of a study program, which is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content, and learning materials as well as the method used as an implementation guideline to achieve the objectives of the study program. In accordance with the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 of 2012 concerning KKNI, the curriculum for the Undergraduate Study Program in Applied Business Statistics is prepared based on the learning outcomes of graduates referring to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), where the Learning Outcomes of the Undergraduate Study Program in Applied Business Statistics include 4 elements, namely Attitude, General Skills, Specific Skills, and Knowledge Mastery.

Compilation of Learning Outcomes (CP) for the Undergraduate Study Program in Applied Business Statistics in addition to covering the 4 elements above, also considers the profile of graduates, where the profiles of graduates of the ITS Business Statistics Applied Bachelor study program include Data Analysis, Quality Control/Quality Assurance, PPIC, Bureaucrats, Analysis Bank Credit/Insurance, Cost Analysis, Entrepreneurship, Marketing. To achieve the four elements of the KKNI, a curriculum for the Applied Business Statistics Undergraduate Study Program has been compiled which consists of 144 credits and is taken in 8 semesters. There are 109 credits of material to support competencies including Final Projects and 14 credits of internships in Industry and there are 9 courses of which 21 credits are National and ITS content. The four elements of the IQF are Learning Outcomes for Attitudes consisting of 11 aspects, General Skills consisting of 13 aspects, Special Skills consisting of 6 aspects, and Knowledge Aspects consisting of 7 aspects. The curriculum for the Undergraduate Study Program in Applied Business Statistics includes 4 (Four) Clusters of Courses (RMK) namely RMK Formal Statistics, Modeling Statistics, Industrial Statistics, and Business Statistics, RMK Formal Statistics consists of 32 credits (13 courses), RMK Statistics Modeling consists of 28 credits (10 courses) RMK Industrial Statistics consists of 19 credits (8 courses), and RMK Business Statistics consists of 22 credits (9 courses).

The curriculum of the Applied Bachelor Statistics Study Program includes 4 (four) Course Clusters (RMK) namely RMK Formal Statistics, Modeling Statistics, Industrial Statistics, and Business Statistics, where the RMK Formal Statistics consists of 14 credits (6 courses), RMK Statistics Modeling consisting of 27 credits (9 courses) Industrial Statistics RMK consists of 18 credits (6 courses), and the Business Statistics RMK consists of 18 credits (7 courses). For ITS content courses consist of 27 credits (11 courses), while the Job Training and Final Projects are 2 credits and 4 credits respectively.