Lecturer of Quality and Productivity Engineering Laboratory

Dra. Lucia Aridinanti, M.T.

Name Dra. Lucia Aridinanti, M.T.
NIP 19610130 198701 2 001
NIDN 0031016110
Level of Employment Full-time
Email luciaridinanti@gmail.com
Educational background Dra. (Statistics – ITS), Department of Statistics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya – 1985
MT (Engineering – ITB), Department of Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung – 1992
  • Operation management
  • Productivity Measurement Techniques
  • Introduction to Statistical Methods (Chapter 1)
  • Wildani, Z., Wibowo, W., Wulandari, S. P., & Dinanti, L. A. (2023). Data envelopment analysis for the efficiency of higher education departments at sepuluh nopember institute of technology, Indonesia. European Journal of Educational Research, 12(2), 1153-1169. https://doi.org/10.12973/eu-jer.12.2.1153
  • Dinanti, L. A., Wildani, Z., Wulandari, S. P., Wibowo, W., Prastuti, M., & Ratih, I. D. (2022 ; Statistical Method Training Process Capability for
    Social Studies Education Students of State University of Malang, Pengabdianmu, Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya https://doi.org/10.33084/pengabdianmu.v7i4.3030
  • Dinanti, LA; Zakiatul Wildani, Wulandari SP, Retnaningsih SM, Wahyu Wibowo, Iis Dewi Ratih, dan Mike Prastuti (2021);Training Capability Level of Statistical Methods Hybrid Learning Model during
    the Covid-19 Pandemic. http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j26139960.v5i2.8198
  • Other…

Dra. Sri Mumpuni Retnaningsih, M.T

Name Dra. Sri Mumpuni Retnaningsih, M.T
NIP 19610311 198701 2 001
NIDN 0011036113
Level of Employment Full-time
Email mumpuni@statistika.its.ac.id
Educational background Dra (Bachelor of Science), Department of Statistics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya – 1985
MT (Master of Engineering), Department of Industrial Engineering & Management, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) – 1994
  • Operation management
    Productivity Measurement Techniques
    Introduction to Statistical Methods (Chapter 1)
  • Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique Nominal Continous Logistic Regression for Imbalanced Data. Ratih, I.D., Mumpuni, S., Islahul Haq, Dewi, V.M. AIP Conference Proceedings 11 October 2022; 2668 (1): 070021.
  • Classification of soil quality using K-Nearest Neighbors methods. Ratih, Mumpuni et al. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 739 (2021)
  • Analisis Regresi Cox Proportional Hazard Waktu Tunggu Mendapatkan Pekerjaan Lulusan Fakultas Vokasi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember- JAMS (Jurnal Aplikasi Matematika dan Statistik),2021:79448
  • Capability of Mathematics Learning Process at Sepuluh Nopember
    Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya; The 2nd Ahmad Dahlan
    International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics
    Education, 2019: 67014
  • Other…

Ir. Sri Pingit Wulandari, M.Si

Name Ir. Sri Pingit Wulandari, M.Si
NIP 19620603 198701 2 001
NIDN 003066211
Level of Employment Full-Time
Email sri_pingit@statistika.its.ac.id
Educational background Ir. (Statistics – IPB), Department of Statistics, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Bogor – 1997
M.Sc (Statistics – IPB), Department of Statistics, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Bogor – 2000
  • Introduction to Statistical Methods (Chapter 1)
  • Categorical Data Analysis
  • Regression Method
  • Wildani, Z., Wibowo, W., Wulandari, S. P., & Dinanti, L. A. (2023).
    Data envelopment analysis for the efficiency of higher education departments at sepuluh nopember institute of technology, Indonesia.
    European Journal of Educational Research, 12(2), 1153-1169. https://doi.org/10.12973/eujer.12.2.1153
  • Wildani, Z., Wibowo, W., & Wulandari, S. P. (2022, October). Measuring the efficiency of economic growth in East Java using data envelopment analysis. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2668, No. 1, p. 070015). AIP Publishing LLC. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0111755
  • Ratih, I. D., Prastuti, M., Wildani, Z., Wulandari, S. P., Wibowo, W., Retnaningsih, S. M., … & Aldiansyah, F. (2022, October). Mapping the health quality in Sumenep using K-Medoids Algorithm. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2668, No. 1, p. 070010). AIP Publishing LLC. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0111821
  • Wildani, Z., & Wulandari, S. P. (2021, August). Modelling The Number of Unemployment in East Java: Negative Binomial Regression Approach. In AECon 2020: Proceedings of The 6th
    Asia-Pacific Education And Science Conference, AECon 2020, 19-20 December 2020, Purwokerto, Indonesia (p. 212). European Alliance for Innovation. http://dx.doi.org/10.4108/eai.19-12-
  • Other…

Prof. Dr. Wahyu Wibowo, S.Si, M.Si

Name Prof. Dr. Wahyu Wibowo, S.Si, M.Si
NIP 19740328 199802 1 001
NIDN 0028037403
Level of Employment Full-Time
Email wahyu.stk@gmail.com
Educational background S.Si (Statistics – ITS), Department of Statistics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya – 1997
M.Sc (Mathematics – UGM), Department of Mathematics, Gajah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta – 2005
Dr. (Mathematics – UGM), Department of Mathematics, Gajah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta – 2014
  • Data Analysis 1
  • Introduction to Computer Applications
  • Quality management
  • Additive mixed modeling of impact of investment, labor, education and information technology on regional income disparity: An empirical analysis using the statistics Indonesia dataset, Wilantari, R.N., Latifah, S., Wibowo, W., Al Azies, H., Data in Brief, 2022, 45, 108619
  • Investigating the effects of several intervention on supply chain
    behavior: Evidence from West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, Wibowo, W., Purwa, T.,Ulama, B.S.S.,Wilantari, R.N., Uncertain
    Supply Chain Management, 2022, 10(2), pp. 601–624
  • Classification of non-performing financing using logistic regression and synthetic minority over-sampling technique-nominal continuous (SMOTE-NC), Islahul Haq, Wibowo, W., Ratih, I.D., Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl, Vol. 13, No. 3, November 2021
  • Classification of Non-Performing Financing Using Logistic
    Regression and Synthetic Minority Over-sampling TechniqueNominal Continuous (SMOTE-NC), W. Wibowo, Islahulhaq, ID Ratih, Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl 13 (3), 2021
  • Other…

Iis Dewi Ratih, S.Si, M.Si

Name Iis Dewi Ratih, S.Si, M.Si
NIP 19910610 201504 2 001
NIDN 0010069101
Level of Employment Full Time
Email iisdewiratih@gmail.com
Educational background S.Si (Statistics – ITS), Department of Statistics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya
M.Si (Statistics – ITS), Department of Statistics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya
  • Categorical Data Analysis
  • Regression Method
  • Classification of non-performing financing using logistic regression
    and synthetic minority over-sampling technique-nominal continuous
    (SMOTE-NC), Islahul Haq, Wibowo, W., Ratih, I.D., Int. J. Advance
    Soft Compu. Appl, Vol. 13, No. 3, November 2021
  • Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique Nominal Continous
    Logistic Regression for Imbalanced Data. Ratih, I.D., Mumpuni, S.,
    Islahul Haq, Dewi, V.M. AIP Conference Proceedings 11 October
    2022; 2668 (1): 070021.
  • Mapping the health quality in Sumenep using k-medoids algorithm.
    Ratih, I.D., Prastuti, M., Wildani, Z. AIP Conference Proceedings,
    2022, 2668, 070010
  • Classification of soil quality using K-Nearest Neighbors methods.
    Ratih, Retnaningsih et al. IOP Conference Series: Earth and
    Environmental Science 739 (2021)
  • Other…

Mike Prastuti, S.Si, M.Si

Name Mike Prastuti, S.si, M.Si
NIP 19910122 201504 2 002
NIDN 0022019101
Level of Employment Full-Time
Email mike.prastuti@gmail.com
Educational background
  • S.Sc. (Statistics – ITS), Department of Statistics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya
  • M.Sc. (Statistics – ITS), Department of Statistics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya
  • Forecasting Methods
  • Sampling Techniques
  • Operation management
  • Forecasting amount of passanger of ships in Madura strait port using ARIMA Box-Jenkins method. Prastuti, M., Ulama, B.S.S., Nurindraprasta, P.P. Journal of Physics : Conf. Series, 2020, 1490(1), 012006.
  • Neural Fuzzy Regression Modelling for Forecasting. Ulama, B.S.S., Prastuti, M., Oktaviana, P.P. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, 2268, 020009.
  • Spatio-Temporal models with intervention effect for modelling the impact of Covid-19 on the tourism sector in Indonesia. Prastuti, M., Aridinanti, L., Dwiningtyas, W.P. Journal of Physics : Conf. Series, 2021, 1921(1), 012044.
  • Mapping the health quality in SUMENEP using k-medoids algorithm. Ratih, I.D., Prastuti, M., Wildani, Z. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, 2668, 070010
  • Other…

Zakiatul Wildani, S.Si, M.Sc.

Name Zakiatul Wildani, S.Si, M.Sc
NPP 1994202012020
NIDN 0423119501
Level of Employment Full-Time
Email zakia@its.ac.id
Level of Employment
  • M.Sc – University of Groningen
  • Industry statistics
  • Econometrics and Risk Management
  • Classification of non-performing financing using logistic regression and synthetic minority over-sampling technique-nominal continuous (SMOTE-NC), Islahul Haq, Wibowo, W., Ratih, I.D., Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl, Vol. 13, No. 3, November 2021
  • Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique Nominal Continous Logistic Regression for Imbalanced Data. Ratih, I.D., Mumpuni, S., Islahul Haq, Dewi, V.M. AIP Conference Proceedings 11 October 2022; 2668 (1): 070021.
  • Mapping the health quality in Sumenep using k-medoids algorithm. Ratih, I.D., Prastuti, M., Wildani, Z. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, 2668, 070010
  • Classification of soil quality using K-Nearest Neighbors methods. Ratih, Retnaningsih et al. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 739 (2021)
  • Other…

Muhammad Alifian Nuriman, S.Stat, M.Stat.

Name Muhammad Alifian Nuriman, S.Stat, M.Stat
NPP 2022199711052
NIDN 0013079701
Level of Employment Full-Time
Email alifian.nuriman@its.ac.id
Educational background
  • S.Stat – Bachelor of Statistics ITS
  • M.Stat – Master of Statistics ITS
  • Statistical Computing
  • Data Exploration and Visualization
  • Operations Research
  • Forecasting amount of passanger of ships in Madura strait port using ARIMA Box-Jenkins method. Prastuti, M., Ulama, B.S.S., Nurindraprasta, P.P. Journal of Physics : Conf. Series, 2020, 1490(1), 012006.
  • Neural Fuzzy Regression Modelling for Forecasting. Ulama, B.S.S., Prastuti, M., Oktaviana, P.P. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, 2268, 020009.
  • Spatio-Temporal models with intervention effect for modelling the impact of Covid-19 on the tourism sector in Indonesia. Prastuti, M., Aridinanti, L., Dwiningtyas, W.P. Journal of Physics : Conf. Series, 2021, 1921(1), 012044.
  • Mapping the health quality in SUMENEP using k-medoids algorithm. Ratih, I.D., Prastuti, M., Wildani, Z. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022, 2668, 070010
  • Other…

Muhammad Noorridho Ilmansyah, S.T., M.MT.

Name Muhammad Noorridho Ilmansyah, S.T., M.MT.
NPP  1997202311063
Level of Employment Full-Time
Email noorridho@its.ac.id
Educational background
  • S.Stat – Bachelor of Industrial Engineering ITS
  • M.MT – S2 Management Technology ITS
  • Risk management
  • Mathematics
  • Applied Opportunities
  • Introduction to Economics and Business
  • Introduction to Systems and Industrial Engineering
  • Modules Include : Big Data Analytics, Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning, Analytical Projects
    Thesis Title: Selection of Regression Methods for Predicting The Ranking of Best Player Football Competition in Indonesia
  • Focus on System and Management, Modules Include: Performance Management, Strategic Management, Project Management,
    Human Resource Management, Logistic Management, System Dynamics, Data Mining, Production and Planning Control
    Thesis Title: Designing Performance Measurement System Using Framework Balance Scorecard Method for Football Club Business
    in Indonesia