Research Sector

Research Sector

Business Statistics - Analytics

Analytic business is a term for a set of skills, technology, and exploration of past business data to gain insight and direction in business planning. The analytic business focuses on developing new insights and understanding of business performance based on data and statistical methods. Some courses related to analytic business include introductory economics, econometrics, market research, economic engineering, and forecasting (the description attached).

Following this was presented a list of studies that could be categorized in the scope of the Analytical Business laboratory research.

Market control is important for the industry to continue to grow. All industrial products, both goods and services, will be absorbed by consumers. The wider the market share reached, of course the more products will be produced. One way to control the market is through marketing research. In this case, people who have expertise in designing sampling, designing instruments, conducting surveys and data processing are needed. In addition, competitor analysis is also important, such as with business intelligence.

Statistics on Quality and Productivity Engineering

One important change today is the development of information and communication technology. The presence of several technologies, such as computers (both hardware and software), internet, and mobile phones are examples of technological developments, which have a major influence on human life, especially in the fields of work and profession. For example is the phenomenon of online business. Online business is a business model that is highly developed today as the impact of technological and information development. In online business, all transactions are recorded in real time and flow continuously, generating large data. This is what is now called the big data era. Basically, because of the development of information technology, almost all business activities generate large data. In the big-data era, there will be many professions and skills needed to handle big data. In addition to technological capabilities and information systems, no less important is the ability to process and analyze data, so that large data can be useful in guiding business decision-making processes. Appropriate business decisions are needed in various industries.

At present, the industry is still one of the important pillars in sustaining economic growth. The important role of the industrial sector, especially in employment. If labor is absorbed in the industrial world, then the next impact is unemployment will reduce, poverty will decrease and people’s welfare will increase. One important key for the domestic industry to continue to grow and develop is by improving product quality. For that reason, the profession and competence in the field of quality become important. Some of the skills needed in quality engineering include quality design, quality management, and quality control to be a need to be provided. In addition to quality, another thing that is needed for the industry to continue to grow is by doing efficiency. For this purpose requires the mastery of research and operations management.

Market control is important so that the industry can continue to grow. All industrial products, both goods and services, will be absorbed by consumers. The wider the market share reached, of course, the more products will be produced. One way to control the market is by marketing research. In this case it is very necessary for people who have the expertise to design sampling, design instruments, conduct surveys and data processing. In addition, analysis of competitors is also important, such as with the intelligence business.

Following this was presented a list of studies that could be categorized in the scope of the Statistics on Quality and Productivity Engineering laboratory research.


The utility of the Quality and Productivity Engineering Laboratory is prioritized for the function as a Teaching Laboratory as it has been running all this time, even though it has not received the status of an official laboratory in ITS. This laboratory utility is indispensable to support the teaching process for the Cluster of Subjects which are managed by the Quality and Productivity Engineering Laboratory, especially courses that require practice or practicum.

Utilities of the Quality and Productivity Engineering Laboratory also carry out research functions, although not the main function. The research that was developed was research related to business problems, mainly marketing and financial issues, so that it could support the main function of teaching laboratories, both for Diploma III, Applied and Applied Masters Programs. Following this is the road map of the Quality and Productivity Engineering Laboratory research roadmap.

Service Industry / Community
The utility of the Quality and Productivity Engineering Laboratory also carries out service industry functions or community services, although not the main function. This function is carried out as a form of contribution from the Quality and Productivity Engineering laboratory in solving problems in the industrial world or in the community. In addition, it is also intended to support the main function of the teaching laboratory, both for Diploma III, Applied and Applied Masters Programs. In Annex C attached proof of support from institutions that have worked with the Business Statistics Department.