For services to the academic community, the Department of Business Statistics of the Vocational Faculty provides DSB Care. DSB Care is a one-stop administrative service for students where the entire management process is served at one door and carried out in one place. This is a concrete manifestation and commitment of the Department of Business Statistics to provide excellent service to the entire academic community, especially students.
Types of services that can be performed include:
DATAMAGZ merupakan sebuah majalah ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Diploma Statistika (HIMADATA) ITS.
Photo of the ITS Business Statistics ABMAS KKN Team with Diskominfo and Mojokerto OPD DSB Berita– Satikomo (One Mojokerto
Literasik Reading House – Kab. Sumenep DSB Berita– The Business Statistics Department in collaboration with the German Embassy has