Utilization Of Activated Carbon From Coconut Shells As A Water Filtration Medium In Sumberwudi Village, Karanggeneng, Kab. Lamongan


portfolio sdg 6
KKN Abmas ITS with the title “Utilizing Activated Carbon From Coconut Shells as Water Filtration Media in Sumberwudi Village, Karanggeneng, Lamongan Regency” is a water treatment technology using this filter which aims to reduce Fe and Mn content in raw water into ready-to-use water. From a geographical point of view, Sumberwudi Village has a source of water that is saltier than water in other places. The target for this abmas KKN was implemented in two places, namely the Sumberwudi Village Mosque and SMPN 1 Karanggeneng. The socialization activity was carried out on Saturday, October 10, 2020 at SMPN 1 Karanggeneng and the prayer room in Sumberwudi Village, Karang Geneng District. This socialization event was filled with explanations about the tools and also the handover of the filtration equipment that had been made previously.