The implementation of the ITS work culture is one aspect of the performance assessment for all Education Personnel (Tendik) in the ITS environment, including structural ones. This 5S+S assessment is one of the indicators for the assessment of the individual performance system of productive and innovative education personnel
SHIFT (SISIH) The activity of getting rid of items that are not needed so that all items on the job site are only items that are really needed
COLLECT (SUSUN) Everything must be placed in the designated position so that it is ready to use when needed
BROOM (SAPU) Activities to clean equipment and work areas so that all work equipment is maintained in good condition
STANDARD (STANDAR) Activities to maintain personal hygiene while complying with the previous three stages
CONTINOUS (SINAMBUNG) Maintenance of personal discipline of each worker in carrying out all stages of 5S+S
SAFE (SELAMAT) Conditions that will occur if the other five stages of 5S implementation have been carried out properly and correctly