
ITSprovement is an event to channel creative and innovative ideas for ITS Education Personnel in their respective fields of work or expertise.

Every employee (Educational Personnel) of ITS has the opportunity to make his best contribution to the effectiveness and efficiency of the work process, so that a culture of continuous improvement will grow to participate in realizing productive and innovative PTNBH ITS.

Background of ITSprovement

Changing the status of the organization into a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH) is an important momentum for ITS to improve and transform it into more productive, innovative, and highly competitive. Continuous efforts need to be intensified by all parties internal to the campus. Every ITS stakeholder has the same responsibility to create a climate of renewal, culture to always make improvements to the system and work processes. As a tangible manifestation of the change process, ITS initiated the 2018 ITSprovement program which is a forum for ITS innovators to compete to propose innovative ideas that can lead to work effectiveness and efficiency in the ITS campus environment.

The objectives of the ITSprovement include:

Realizing productive and innovative PTNBH ITS.
Channel creative and innovative ideas.
Grow a continuous improvement culture.
Improve work effectiveness and efficiency.

While the main target of this activity is all ITS Education Personnel.

ITSprovement was first held in 2017 with a big agenda namely Meet The Expert to PT. GMF AeroAsia and PT. TMMIN. Currently ITSprovement 2018 is underway and will carry out Meet The Expert to PT. TMMIN is back.