Network Installation and Maintenance Training

The training to improve the competence of Education Personnel (Tendik) in relation to the IT Network is carried out by the Sub-Directorate of Employee Planning and Development – Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations.

Purpose of Activity

Aside from being one of the efforts to improve Tendik’s competence, this activity has the objectives:

Providing knowledge about the understanding of the Network and its classification.
Provide practical skills related to how to install and maintain networks.

Benefits of Activities

For ITS Education Staff (Tendik), this training is useful for:

Increase knowledge about the understanding of the Network and its classification.
Improve practical skills related to how to install and maintain networks.

Execution time

This activity has been carried out on:
Day / Date          : Tuesday-Wednesday, September 26-27 2017
Time                    : 08.00-15.15 WIB
Place                    : Library Room, 2nd Floor of ITS Library Building

Activity Results

Participants in the Safety and Health training activities were representatives of each department work unit at ITS, with a total invitation of 40 people.

The source of this training came from internal ITS, namely from the Directorate of Technology and Information System Development (DPTSI)


Photos of First Day Training, September 26, 2017

The activity began with singing the Indonesia Raya national anthem which was attended by all the training participants.


Participants stand to sing the national anthem of the Republic of Indonesia
Then the remarks were made by the head of the sub-directorate of Employee Planning and Development – Directorate of Human Resources and Organization, namely Ms. Naning Aranti Wessiani, S.T., M.M.
Ms. Naning gave a speech
Day 1 participants undergo a pre-test


Then first all trainees will undergo a pre-test to determine the level of understanding of the participants before the training takes place.

Participant Day 1 Run the Pre-test


Then the participants got material related to Network Installation and Maintenance.

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Participants get material about the network from DPTSI
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Participant Day 1 Running a Post-test


And finally, participants will undergo a post-test, which is an examination to determine the level of understanding of participants after being given the material.

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Participant Day 1 Running a Post-test
In addition, awards will be given to participants with the best post-test scores and also for participants who experience the highest post-test increase.
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Awarding awards to the best trainees

Photos of the Second Day of Training, September 27, 2017

Just like in the first day’s activities, the second day’s training activities began by singing the Indonesia Raya national anthem which was attended by all the training participants.

Participants Day 2 Sing Great Indonesian Songs


Then the remarks were made by the head of the sub-directorate of Employee Planning and Development – Directorate of Human Resources and Organization, namely Ms. Naning Aranti Wessiani, S.T., M.M.

Ms. Naning Greeted for the 2nd Day Training


Then first all trainees will undergo a pre-test to determine the level of understanding of the participants before the training takes place.

Participants Day 2 Run the Pre-test

DPTSI Representatives provide Material to the 2nd Day Training Participants
Then the participants got material related to Network Installation and Maintenance.
DPTSI Representatives provide Material to the 2nd Day Training Participants
Participant Day 2 Runs a Post-test

And finally, participants will undergo a post-test, which is an examination to determine the level of understanding of participants after being given the material.

Participant Day 2 Runs a Post-test
Ms. Naning gave gifts to participants with the best value

In addition, awards will be given to participants with the best post-test scores and also for participants who experience the highest post-test increase.

Ms. Naning handed over prizes to participants with the highest increase in grades