This training is carried out by the Sub Directorate of Employee Planning and Development – Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations collaborating with the Directorate of Planning, Management of Infrastructure, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya.
Purpose of Activity
Aside from being one of the efforts to improve the competency of Tendik, this activity has the following objectives:
Providing knowledge about maintenance and repair of supporting equipment for academic activities including; electricity, air conditioning (AC), and LCD. Provide practical skills related to how to maintain and repair equipment supporting academic activities to facilitate and facilitate completing work tasks.
Benefits of Activities
For ITS Education Staff (Tendik), this training is useful for:
Increase knowledge about maintenance and repair of supporting equipment for academic activities including; electricity, air conditioning (AC), and LCD correctly. Improve practical skills about maintenance and repair of supporting equipment for academic activities to facilitate completing work tasks.
Form and Time of Implementation
This Academic Equipment Maintenance Training has been carried out on: Day / Date : Tuesday Friday, 05 dd. September 8, 2017 Time : 08.00 – 15.30 WIB Place : Theater A Room, ITS
Participants in this academic equipment maintenance training activity are all education staff who hold positions as SarPras Team (Facilities and Infrastructure) in the ITS environment with a total of 55 participants.
This training resource person comes from external ITS, including:
1st Day Training
The first day training was opened by Mr. Ir. Mas Agus Mardiyanto, M.E, Ph.D as Director of Planning and Management of Facilities and Infrastructure.
On the first day the SarPras Team in the ITS environment was asked to complete the pre test as a measure of the participants’ ability to the material to be delivered over the next four days. First day material about Air Conditioning (AC).
Speakers on Day 1 from the external were the Association of Indonesian Air Conditioning and Administration Practitioners Mr. Abdul Hadi, Mr. Hamdan Sahlaby.
Enthusiastic training participants when attending the first day of training
2nd day training
On the second day of training, the participants were still learning about Air Conditioning (AC). For the second day with the same resource person as the first day, this time practicing directly about Air Conditioning (AC) treatment with speakers Mr. Abdul Hadi, Mr. Hamdan Sahlaby.
Enthusiastic training participants when attending the second day of training
3rd day training
The third day of the training, the participants learned about LCD, not only the material learned but on the third day was different from the 1st and 2nd day, on the 3rd day there were 2 training sessions, session 1 got a theory about LCD with guest speaker Mr. Denny Setiady and Mr. Lingga MC from SinarMas Teknik.
In the second session the trainees were given the opportunity to directly practice the theory that had been given in the first session. Once the participants’ enthusiasm was seen when they took part in the third day training
4th day training
On the fourth day of the training, the participants learned about electricity material. In the first session the electrical material of the participants was given a theory about electricity by the speakers Mr. Achmad Arifian and Mr. Fahad Al Hamzi.
followed by the second session, which is to practice the theory given in the first session
Enthusiastic training participants when attending the fourth day of training
On the fourth day the participants were asked to complete the post test question to obtain an overview of the abilities achieved after the end of the training.
Reward for Training Participants
To appreciate the training participants in the maintenance of academic equipment in the ITS environment, the Committee gave awards to training participants with the following criteria:
– Presence
This attendance assessment includes:
– On time – Full Following Training (4 days, @ 2 sessions)
2. Activeness
This Activity Assessment includes:
– Asking – Participation in practice
3. Attitude
This Attitude Assessment includes:
– Attitude – Behavior
The following are the names of participants who get rewards in academic equipment maintenance training in the ITS environment
– Hanif Ardiansyah from the Department of Industrial Engineering – Erfan Rofianto from the Department of Chemistry – Siyono from the Department of Industrial Products – Becik from UPT Sports Facilities
Click SarPras Technician Training Material