Training to improve the competence of Education Personnel (Tendik) in connection with the Writing of Scientific Papers aimed at Librarians and PLP is carried out by the Sub Directorate of Employee Planning and Development – Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations.
Purpose of Activity
Aside from being one of the efforts to improve Tendik’s competence, this activity has the objectives:
Provide knowledge of the procedures for writing scientific papers that are good and correct according to applicable rules. Provide practical skills related to how to compile a scientific paper.
Benefits of Activities
For ITS Education Staff (Tendik), this training is useful for:
Improve knowledge of the procedures for writing scientific papers that are good and correct according to the applicable rules. Improve practical skills related to how to compile a scientific paper.
Execution time
This training has been carried out on: Day / Date : Monday dd Wednesday, 27 dd 29 November 2017 and Monday dd Wednesday, 11 sd December 13, 2017 Time : 08.00 – Finish Place : Bibliotek Room – ITS Library Building
Activity Results
Participants in the Safety and Health training activities are representatives of the Educational Laboratory Staff (PLP) and Librarians at each department work unit at ITS.
The source of this training came from internal ITS, namely from the Head of the ITS Library and also from Reviewers of Librarians and PLP Credit Figures
Then proceed with the opening of Ms. Naning Aranti Wessiani, S.T., M.M., as the sub-director of ITS DSDMO Planning and Employee Development.
The enthusiasm of the participants on the first day of training, where the participants got material about the provisions in preparing a scientific paper.
Participants get material about the preparation of scientific work from the Head of the ITS Library.
Participants are listening to the training
Participants are doing question and answer on the sidelines of the material presentation
Participants listened to the discussion from Mr. Arief Rahman, S.T., M.Sc., as Head of Sub Directorate of Organization and Occupational Health Safety at ITS DSDMO.
Participants are compiling scientific papers according to the material previously obtained.
The enthusiasm of the participants in compiling scientific papers