Finalists of ITSprovement 2017

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These are the names of the teams and titles that passed the 2017 ITSprovement finalist:

No Team Name The title of the ITSProvement idea
1 TIM SIMPRU Information System for Lending Room ITS
Bestari Meeting room booking system
2 Semut Hitam Online Based Presence System Using Smart Finger Electronic Keylock System
SI 3R Application of Online Attendance Monitoring Student Lectures and Teaching Lecturers
3 Honey Bee Effectiveness of E-monitoring Based Lectures as a Development Effort of MB-APP in the ITS Business Management Department
4 Positif People Employee Care Centre
5 Barokah Day Care ITS
6 Tim Sapu Bersih Increasing the Effectiveness of Receiving Package Distribution Through e-packages in the ITS environment
7 KAIZEN for ITS Free data library on Sim Yudisium
8 Raja Prestasi Quick Response : Online Helpdesk System
9 Renewable Energy Energy Monitoring System
10 BME-TEAM2 Development of Automatic Classroom Locking and Energy Management Systems


It’s not about winning or losing a competition, it’s about beating the

doubt from within yourself and knowing at the end of each day

you are one step closer to your goals.

– Jonathan Horton –

Congratulations to the team that passed the ITSprovement 2017 Finalist.
Information on assistance and other activities will be announced further through the SDMO website.