

National Accreditation of BAN-PT

The Bachelor of Marine Transportation Engineering Program officially established in 2011 has been accredited by BAN-PT since 2014 and has undergone 2 (two) changes. At the time of the Department of Marine Transportation, the Prodi has been accredited “B ” which holds 2014-2019. In January 2017, when a change of name became the Department of Marine Transportation Engineering, the accesisation was renewed with a period of 2017-2019. In the year 2017 Dept. of sea Transportation Engineering perform the reaccreditation process and acquire the value “A ” with period 2017-2022. Details of the development of the Department of Marine Transportation Engineering accreditation are as follows:

Department of Marine Transportation Engineering Department of Marine Transportation Engineering Department of Marine Transportation Engineering
27 Des 2017 – 27 Des 2022 23 Jan 2017 – 23 Okt 2019 24 Okt 2014 – 23 Okt 2019

The Excellent Accreditation of BAN-PT

The excellent accreditation of BAN-PT is obtained after fulfilling the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 5 of 2020 regarding accreditation by BAN-PT. It does not escape the achievements that have been achieved by DTTL ITS have succeeded in achieving general accreditation from the Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering (IABEE) or also known as the Independent accreditation board of Indonesian technical education in the discipline of Ocean and Similarly-named Engineering Program 2019 13 Last February which also used as one of the excellent accreditation of BAN-PT.

IABEE International Accreditation

IABEE is an independent nonprofit organization established as part of the Indonesian Association of Engineers (PII) to cultivate a quality culture in the management of higher education in engineering and computing. IABEE is recognized in Indonesia by the Ministry of Research, Technology and higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI) as a body responsible for the accreditation of courses that give academic bachelor degree in engineering and computing. IABEE was formed with construction by JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education), which has been the signatory of Washington Accord, a multilateral treaty that regulates the equality of various independent accreditation agencies from abroad to engineering field courses.
Based on the assessment and evaluation of the IABEE Evaluator team, the curriculum and learning system of the Marine Transportation Engineering Department received a full IABEE accreditation for 2 (two) years (2024-2026) in accordance with accreditation certificate No. 000170. A issued by IABEE.

Sertifikat Akreditasi IABEE 2024

Program Studi Magister (S2) Teknik Transportasi Laut memberikan kesempatan kepada lulusan program Sarjana (S1) untuk melanjutkan studi ke jenjang pendidikan Magister (S2) dalam bidang transportasi laut, sehingga diharapkan lulusan yang dihasilkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dunia kerja. Program Studi Magister (S2) Teknik Transportasi Laut memperoleh akreditasi “Baik” dari BAN-PT.

SK Akreditasi Baik S2 Teknik Transportasi Laut

The Doctoral study Program (S3) of Marine Transportation Engineering is currently still organized by the Department of Naval Architecture Engineering. Where the Postgraduate study Program (S2 and S3) The Department of Naval Architecture Engineering obtained the accreditation “B” of BAN-PT. For further information can be found on the Department of Naval Architecture Engineering website (klik).