ITS Campus, Seatrans News – Along with the inauguration of the new building of
On Saturday (March 16, 2019), the 119th After Graduation Ceremony was held by the
Berdasarkan hasil re-akreditasi Program Studi Sarjana Departemen Teknik Transportasi Laut, yang dilaksanakan pada hari
Momentum puncak yang paling dinantikan oleh para mahasiswa di akhir masa studinya adalah prosesi
Before being renamed as Department of Marine Transportation Engineering per January 2017, the Department
Penyampaian materi Pengenalan Laboratorium dan Kepustakaan oleh salah satu Dosen DTTL ITS, Bapak Hasan
ITS Campus, Seatrans News – Completing the series of inauguration events of the SEA
ITS Campus, Seatrans News – Starting a series of inauguration events for the new
Mahasiswa ITS dari Departemen Transportasi Laut dan Departemen Teknik Perkapalan ITS berhasil meraih posisi
Karimunjawa is an archipelago located in jepara regency, Central Java, which has a