Koleksi Publikasi Departemen Teknik Transportasi Laut dapat diunduh di sini :
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Author | Title | Journal | Year |
Nur, Hasan Iqbal; Achmadi, Tri | Analysis of Seven International Indonesian Hub Ports Policy Development Impact on Shipping and Port Sector | {IOP} Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2020 |
Achmadi, Tri; Hadi, Firmanto; Nur, Hasan Iqbal; Yunianto, Irwan Tri; Boyke, Christino | Study of Port Tariff Structure and Port Pricing Approach | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2017 |
Achmadi, Tri; Kumalasari, Silvia Dewi; Nur, Hasan Iqbal; Wuryaningrum, Pratiwi | Analisis Perbandingan antar Moda Distribusi Sapi : Studi Kasus Nusa Tenggara Timur - Jakarta | {IPTEK} Journal of Proceedings Series | 2018 |
Achmadi, T.; Nur, H. I.; Rahmadhon, L. R. | Analysis of Inland Waterway Transport for Container Shipping: Cikarang To Port Of TanjungPriok | {IOP} Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018 |
Achmadi, T.; Nur, H. I.; Banjarnahor, F. N.; Kuik, S.; Ardhi, E. W.; Permana, C. B. S.; Riduwan, M. | Connectivity model of archipelagic areas: a case study of Kepulauan Riau | {IOP} Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2021 |
Ardhi, Eka; Buana, I.; Ruci, Dwiky | Design Architecture Cargo Acquisition for Traditional Shipping | 2018 | |
Ardhi, E. W.; Yunianto, I. T.; Rahadi, S. J. A.; Blessing, F.; Achmadi, T.; Permana, C. B. S.; Mustakim, A. | Packaging development study for archipelagic sea transportation | {IOP} Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2021 |
Arifin, Agus Zainal; Qomariah, Dinial Utami Nurul; Riduwan, Muhammad; Haniefardy, Addien; Azhar, Yufis; Sholikah, Rizka Wakhidatus; Navastara, Dini Adni | Automatic Comparison of Products based on Opinion Features using Synonym and Jaccard Similarity | 2018 | |
Awwalin, R.; Nugroho, S.; Achmadi, T. | Design of Lighter Aboard Ship (LASH) for distribution of goods in small islands: case study of Kangean archipelago | {IOP} Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2021 |
Basuki, Minto; Manfaat, Djauhar; Nugroho, Setyo; Dinariyana, A. A. B. | IMPROVEMENT OF THE PROCESS OF NEW BUSINESS OF SHIP BUILDING INDUSTRY | Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy $\vert$ Ventura | 2012 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 150 entries