
Lecture Series from Adjunct Professor, Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou, NTUST Taiwan

Lecture Series dari Adjunct Professor, Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou di Departemen Sistem Informasi ITS Surabaya,

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Lecture Series Form Adjunct Professor, Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou, NTUST Taiwan

Lecture Series dari Adjunct Professor, Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou di Departemen Sistem Informasi ITS Surabaya,

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Rapat Kerja Departemen Sistem Informasi

Departemen Sistem Informasi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) telah mengadakan rapat kerja tahunan pada

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Guest Lecturer Information systems

Sehubungan dengan Guest Lecture Program (GLP) dari Departemen Kemitraan Global, kita akan dikunjungi 2

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Guest Lecture – Cybersecurity

Departemen Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknologi Elektro dan Informatika Cerdas (FTE-IC) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

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Adjunct Professor Fundamentals of Internet of Things

Information Systems Department Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember   Information System Department will

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Open Talk Postgraduate Programmes in Information Systems

Departemen Sistem Informasi Fakultas teknologi e 📢 📢

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Kuliah Tamu Kecerdasan Bisnis “Applications Of Business Intelligence (BI) In the Tech Industry”

Departemen Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknologi Elektro dan Informatika Cerdas Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November  

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Hunting for student exchange scholarships abroad

Sharing Session: “hunting for student exchange scholarships abroad” Saturday, 30 October 2021; 19.00 –

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📢 📢 Halo Rekan – Rekan mahasiswa S1 dan

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