Nama | Bidang Penelitian | Tawaran Topik Thesis | Tawaran Topik Tugas Akhir |
Ahmad Mukhlason, S.Kom, M.Sc., Ph.D. | 1) Combinatorial Optimization Problem 2) Hyper-heuristics/Hyper-heuristics 3) Knowledge Management System | 1) Mobile Intelligent Health-care Systems 2) Knowledge Management System 3) Automated Timetabling, Scheduling, and Planning 4) Computer and Human Behaviors 5) Urban Computing | 1) Mobile Intelligent Health-care Systems 2) Knowledge Management System 3) Automated Timetabling, Scheduling, and Planning 4) Computer and Human Behaviors 5) Urban Computing |
Dr. Apol Pribadi, S.T, M.T | |||
Prof. Ir. Arif Djunaidy, M.Sc, Ph.D | 1) Knowledge management and engineering 2) Soft computing 3) Data mining (classification, clustering, anomaly detection, association analysis) 4) Text mining (sentiment analysis, text summarization) | Permasalahan imbalanced class dlm proses klasifikasi | |
Dr. Ir. Aris Tjahyanto, M.Kom | |||
Dr. Bambang Setiawan, S.Kom, M.T | |||
Erma Suryani, ST, MT, Ph.D. | 1) Sustainable Transporattion Systems 2) Smart Agriculture 3) System Dynamics 4) Model Driven Decision Support Systems 5) Modeling and Simulation 6) Industrial IOT | 1) Sustainable Transporattion Systems 2) Sustainable Agriculture 3) Sustainable Energy Development 4) Internet of Things (IOT) Implementation 5) Trip Chain Behavior 6) Public Health 7) Land Use and Urban Transport Planning 8) Disaster Adaptation and Mitigation 9) User Safety | 1) Food Sustainability 2) Transportation System Resource Organization 3) Carbon Emission Mitigation 4) Sustainable Energy Supply 5) Energy Efficiency and Conservation 6) Value Chain of Agrifood Industry and Investment 7) Agricultural Supply Chain 8) Adaptation Strategies in Food Security 9) Renewable Energies |
Faizal Mahananto, S.Kom., M.Eng., Ph.D. | 1) Healthcare Information systems 2) Artificial intelligence in healthcare 3) Computational physiology in information systems 4) Telemonitoring 5) Bio-sensing for information systems | Multi-modal biosignal emotion recognition for UX testing with heart rate variability (HRV) | 1) Prognosis estimation using HRV and ANN 2) Text mining in healthcare 3) Medical doctor expertise summarization from a diagnostic text that the doctor have published |
Dr. Eng. Febriliyan Samopa S.Kom, M.Kom | 1) Image/Signal Processing 2) Internet of Things 3) Embedded System 4) Intelligence Network 5) Enterprise Application Integration 6) Green Computing | 1) Sign Language to Natural Language Translation System 2) Gesture and Voice Command System 3) Portable Fish Finder 4) Integrated Sea Bed Mapping System 5) Wearable Health Monitoring System 6) Interchangeable Health Data Services 7) Battle Plan Management System 8) Real Time Surveillance System 9) Energy Management System | 1) Driving Test Simulation System 2) Intelligent Home System 3) Incident Management System 4) Health Information Integration Application 5) Web-service based Information System 6) Smart Logistic Management System 7) Smart based Energy Utilization System 8) Smart Transportation Management System 9) Intelligent Farming System |
Mahendrawathi ER., ST, M.Sc., Ph.D | 1) Business Process Management 2) Enterprise Systems 3) Supply Chain Management 4) Digital Business | 1) Framework of BPM implementation in Indonesia 2) Relationship between BPM and ERP implementation 3) BPM in Government | 1) BPMS Application in various organization 2) Trust aware BPM 3) BPMS evaluation 4) ERP Evaluation 5) BPM for SMEs |
Dr. Mudjahidin, S.T, M.T | |||
Nur Aini Rakhmawati, S.Kom, M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D. | 1) Knowledge Graph 2) Social Media Analytics 3) Social Network Analysis 4) Semantic Web 5) Data Integration 6) Ethics in IT | 1) Health Misinformation on Social Media 2) Analyze traffic patterns, and detecting and classifying “regular” user vs. automated behavior patterns in the absence of labeled ground truth data. 3) Ethics in machine learning 4) Data fairness 5) Graph Embedding for Halal data | |
Tony Dwi Susanto, S.T, M.T., Ph.D | 1) Smart City 2) e-Government 3) Adopsi Teknologi 4) Tata Kelola & Manajemen TIK | 1) Model Integrasi Data e-Government Indonesia 2) Arsitektur Standar Keamanan Informasi e-Government Indonesia | 1) Enterprise Architecture (syarat mahasiswa sanggup belajar BPM, Topologi Jaringan & Infrastruktur) 2) Knowledge Managemen e-Government 3) Manajemen Resiko e-Government 4) Manajemen Keamanan Informasi e-Government 5) Manajemen Data e-Government 6) Manajemen Aset TIK Pemerintahan 7) Manajemen SDM TIK e-Government 8) Manajemen Layanan SPBE |
Retno Aulia Vinarti, S.Kom, M.Kom., Ph.D. | 1) Health Informatics 2) Expert Systems 3) Knowledge Engineering 4) Forecasting dan Predictions 5) Data Mining | ||
Raras Tyasnurita, S.Kom., MBA, Ph.D. | |||
Izzat Aulia Akbar, S.Kom., M.Eng., Ph.D | 1) e-Health / Healthcare information system 2) Biological signal processing 3) Artificial intelligence 4) Mobile / web application 5) Computer security | 1) Modelling human psychological condition 2) Human-Computer Interface 3) e-Health | 1) Safety application 2) Human-Computer Interface 3) e-Health |
Rully Agus Hendrawan, S.Kom., M.Eng. | |||
Andre Parvian Aristio, S.Kom., M.Sc. | |||
Edwin Riksakomara, S.Kom, M.T | |||
Radityo Prasetianto.W, S.Kom, M.Kom | 1) Business Intelligence & Dashboard 2) Data Management | 1) Action Research : Penerapan Teknologi 2) Sistem Data Repository & Dashboard untuk AIPT 3) Pembangunan Sistem Pelaporan PDDIKTI (multi modul, banyak mahasiswa) |
Nisfu Asrul Sani, S.Kom., M.Sc. | 1) Keamanan Siber 2) Interaksi Manusia Komputer | 1) Gamification 2) Content Generator |
Faizal Johan Atletiko, S.Kom., M.Kom | |||
Hanim Maria Astuti, S.Kom., M.Sc. | |||
Anisah Herdiyanti, S.Kom., M.Sc. | |||
Bekti Cahyo Hidayanto, S.Si, M.Kom | |||
Eko Wahyu Tyas D, S.Kom., M.Sc. | |||
Feby Artwodini, S.Kom, M.T | |||
Ir. Ahmad Holil Noor Ali, M.Kom | |||
Wiwik Anggraeni, S.Si, M.Kom | |||
Irmasari Hafidz, S.Kom., M.Sc. | |||
Renny Pradina, S.T, M.T | 1) Natural Language Processing 2) Machine Learning 3) Deep Learning 4) Social Media Analysis | 1) Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Data 2) Sentiment Analysis on Tourism Objects Review for Supporting 3) Economic Growth 4) Named-Entity Recognition 5) Language Modelling 6) Deep Learning Technology for NLP 7) Topic Modelling with Latent Dirichlet Analysis 8) Text Normalization and Correction 9) Intelligent Chatbots 10) Visualization of Natural Language Derived Information |
Amalia Utamima, S.Kom., M.Sc. | |||
Arif Wibisono, S.Kom., M.Sc. | |||
Amna Shifia Nisafani, S.Kom., M.Sc. |
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Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
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Email : si[at]