Become one of the research laboratories in the field of data engineering and business intelligence with the best productivity and quality in ITS and recognized in Indonesia in 2025.
1. Strengthening activity in research and its influence on the development of science.
2. Providing services to the public in the use of information systems.
3. Increasing competitiveness in the international sphere.
Laboratory of Data Engineering and Business Intelligence or known as Lab. RDIB was established in the odd semester of 2015/2016. Starting from the Lab. Decision Support System, Lab. RDIB houses several elective courses for final semester students as follows:
1. Data Excavation and Business Analysis.
2. Advanced Operations Research.
3. Forecasting techniques.
4. Decision Support System.
In addition to elective courses, there are also compulsory subjects that are under the responsibility of the Lab. This RDIB, namely:
1. Statistics
2. Operational research
3. Discrete mathematics
4. Intelligent system
5. Business intelligence
6. Database programming
Lab RDIB has the aim to be a research center related to the use of data that supports business and organizational analysis to be transformed into meaningful information and knowledge so that it is useful in decision making. The scientific fields covered include:
• Computerized Decision Support: Decision Support System, Modeling and Analysis System.
• Data Management: Database and Database Management System (DBMS); Extraction, Transformation, and Load (ETL) System; Data Warehouse (DW), real-time DW, and Data Mart.
• Business Analytic: Optimizations; Data / Web / Text Mining; Web Analytic; Forecasting
• Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management System, Expert Locating System, Ontology.
• Intelligent Systems: Expert System, Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm, Intelligent Agent, Automated Decision System.