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  About Master of Information Systems Program


About Master Of Information Systems Program

Information Systems is a field in Computer science which learns about how technology can be successful implemented in a Social System with optimizing the harmony of aspects of Technology, Human & Organization


Graduate Profiles of MISP

Master of Information Systems educates the students to become an Information Technology Professional who is able to develop Information Systems scientific methods to solve various practical and research problems in the 5 (five) Graduate Profiles

  Master of Information Systems Program


“To become a center of Master program empowering Information Technology with international reputation in 2025”


  1. Generating graduates of Master of Information Systems who have a high moral standard and good attitude, also willing and able to: Have a comprehensive information system scientific perspective, think critically and analytically, lead in communication, and work together in teams, also be creative in the development and application of information system/information technology solutions.
  2. Preparing graduates by equipping the theory and best practices to become leaders and innovators in a global competitive environment.

          In Education Sector :

Organizing higher education with international quality curriculum, lecturers, and learning methods.

Generating graduates who are faithful and devoted to God and have noble morals and character.

Equipping graduates with techno entrepreneurship knowledge


  1. Produce Masters in Information Systems who are experts in research and solutions for the use of Information and Communication Technology and their interactions with social systems.
  2. Develop research in the field of Information Systems based on scientific innovations that contribute to solving real problems.
  3. Develop academic and professional networks at national and international levels

Graduate Profiles

Master of Information Systems educates the students to become an Information Technology Professional who is able to develop Information Systems scientific methods to solve various practical and research problems in the 5 (five) Graduate Profiles:

Graduate Profiles Description
Business Analyst


Analyzes information systems for improving business performance. Identifies areas where information system changes are needed to support business plans and monitors the impact in terms of change management. Contributes to the general functional requirements of the business organization in the area of ICT solutions. Analyzes business needs and translates them into ICT solutions.


Systems Analyst


Analyzes requirements and specifies software and systems. Ensures the technical design and contributes to implementation of new software and/or enhancements


IS Project Manager


Manages Information System projects to achieve optima performance conforming to original specifications. Defines, implements, and manages projects from conception to final delivery. Responsible for achieving optimal results; conforming to standards for quality, safety; and sustainability and complying with defined scope, performance, costs, and schedule


Business Information Manager


Proposes, plans, and manages functional and technical evolutions of the information system in the relevant business domain. Manages and implements updates to existing applications and maintenance activities guided by the needs, costs, and plans agreed with internal users. Ensures quality of service and internal user satisfaction


Enterprise Architect


Designs and maintains the enterprise architecture. Balances technological opportunities with business (process) requirements. Maintains a holistic view of the organization’s strategy, processes, information, and ICT assets. Links the business mission, strategy, and processes to the IT strategy


ICT Consultant


Supports understanding of how new ICT technologies add value to a business. Ensures technological watch to inform stakeholders of emergent technologies. Anticipates and brings to maturity ICT projects by the introduction of appropriate technology. Communicates the value of new technologies to the business. Contributes to project definitions.


  Video Profile


Magister Of Information Systems Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) classified into 4 components: Knowledge, Attitude, Generic skills, dan Specific skills


Mapping Courses to PLO

Co Promotor adalah dosen tetap Departemen Sistem Informasi yang mempunyai gelar minimal Doktor dengan jabatan fungsional minimal Lektor


Admission Requirement of MISP

Prospective students can enroll for Master of Information Systems – ITS through 2 options


Master Thesis and Thesis Proposal

Thesis must be started by a Thesis Proposal



Lecturer list Magister of Departemen Information Systems

International Advisory Board

ITS_Prof Davison

Professor Robert Davison

Name Professor Robert Davison
University Department of Information Systems, City University of Hongkong
Academic Position Professor
Position Editor in Chief “Information Systems Journal” (Q1)
Editor in Chief “Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries” (Q3)

Professor Caroline Chan

Name Professor Caroline Chan
University Pro Vice Chancellor and CEO (UON Singapore) at University of Newcastle
Academic Position Professor
Position Former Dean/Head of School of Business IT and Logistics, RMIT University
President of the Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS)
WhatsApp Image 2021-09-17 at 4.26.59 PM

Abdul Ghofur, S.Kom., MBA.

Name Abdul Ghofur, S.Kom., MBA

Dhany Saputra, Ph.D

Name Dhany Saputra, Ph.D

Sofyan Assauri, CISA, CDPSE.

Name Sofyan Assauri, CISA, CDPSE.

Curriculum 2023 Master Program in Information Systems

Our Curriculum:


Course Syllabus:

K23-MIS-Couses Syllabus Concise

Curriculum 2018 Master Program in Information Systems (Old Curriculum)


Our Curriculum:

Course Syllabus:

K18-MIS-Couses Syllabus Concise

Module Handbook

Master of Information Systems Module handbook


Registration Path

ITS provides a registration path for undergraduate study programs (S1) through SNMPTN, SBMPTN, Partnership and Independent Programs (PKM). Postgraduate study programs (S2 and S3) through postgraduate. For prospective international students through the International Office.
Info Hotline
Phone/WA 0813-3089-8070

Fees and Scholarships

ITS offers more than 200 programs with various basic knowledge groups to prospective students in Indonesia

Magister of Information System Program facility
